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Friday, March 30, 2007

Silly random thoughts

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Just some random thoughts that have crossed Walski's mind while doing the things Walski does daily. Like work, drive, work, eat, work... General things Walski thinks about that don't really warrant full postings on...

Image hosting by PhotobucketOn Proton
As everybody and their pet sister probably already know by now, Proton is in discussions with Volkswagen. If the deal goes thru, Walski wonders if the new logo would look something like what's on the left, and would the next model be called the Proton Kerak (as in Kereta Rakyat)? Or maybe Proton Kera, for the same reason? Or should Walski just stop monkeying around with such silly ideas?

On the Economy
If the Malaysian economy is doing so great, why is it that almost nobody, save Pak Lah and his dream team, feels good? Strange. Or is it because of all the pleasant dreams he probably has been having? And does having a strong economy translate to higher inflation?

Walski really wonders sometimes whether what Malaysia has is a strong economy, or strong eco-no-money.

On Pak Lah
Speaking of Pak Lah, is it Walski or does he seems to be someplace or another at any given moment, except in Malaysia. Who's running the show, then? The little Napoleons? Maybe Walski worries too much... Governments do tend to be like perpetual motion machines... or at least are supposed to be. Howsy, it seems, has been having similar thoughts. Jet-setting on Government executive jets must really earn one lots of frequent-flyer mileage...
(more random thoughts in the full post)

On the Royal Malaysian Police
They just turned 200 years old. They want to rebrand themselves. Well and good. Perhaps they should start by learning to use the roads properly - like using their signal lights when changing lanes, not ride their bikes the wrong way up a one-way street (Walski's seen some off-duty officers do this) - in other words, behave in an exemplary manner on the road, like what's expected of the rest of us. Okay fine, driving when in pursuit is a different matter - but what about at other times? What Walski thinks they should shoot for (no pun intended) is to be like the British cops, in demeanor, service attitude, and general helpfulness to the community. Oh, and drving in accordance to the traffic laws they're supposed to be enforcing in the first place.

On Expressway abbreviations
Soon, residents in the Klang Valley will have another tolled expressway to contend with - DUKE - Duta Ulu Kelang Expressway. What if in a few year's time, another expressway were to be built, linking Putrajaya to Klang. Would it be called PUKE? And to live up to its abbreviation, would it be made bumpy and wavy, just like the MRR2 (a truly crappy-by-design highway)?

On thought control
Today, another idiot esteemed Member of Parliament, joined the fray of anti-blogger rhetoric, spouting the same 'ol tired lines of how we bloggers sow the seeds of disharmony, yada, yada, yada (see this Bernama news report).

"We notice that a lot of bloggers have been sowing the seeds of discord among the races, religions... I believe there must be a limit."
(source: Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob (BN-Bera) via Bernama)

Image hosting by PhotobucketOkay, let's analyze that statement. Who brandished a keris at the last UMNO General Assembly, made racially incindiary remarks, and caused so much discomfort amongst many Malaysian (Although, we all know that it was just for show - as a sign that Malay agendas are still important, and to garner grassroots admiration). Bloggers? As far as Walski knows, the dudes don't blog. Oh, and by the way, which BN component do you belong to again, Datuk Ismail?

And all this talk about media control - doesn't it seem a tad bit communistic? Oh deary me, Good Lord, no! We are BN ball-lickers politicians, fervently and parrotically anti-Communist.

But Walski thinks only when it's spelled Komunis, with a "K"... so movies with Komunis in the title, a big No-No, but calling for Communist-like media control is A-OK brader... Must be the letter "K" that's the problem.

Note to Amir Muhammad: When you get a chance, re-relase those films as "Lelaci Comunis Terachir" and "Apa Cabar Orang Campung?" Our esteemed dickheads leaders will have no problems with them titles. Assuming Walski's theory is right...

And finally, On Zulkipli Mat Noor
As in the Anti-Corruption Agency chief, who's been charged with.. corruption. Walski recalls this paragraph from Wong Chun Wai's March 4th article in The Star:

Zulkipli has also been summoned to appear before the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity on March 12 where he can expect to be grilled by its 12 members, including Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang.
(source: The Star)

Having watched Hannibal Rising just the other day, this statement brought up all kinds of interesting imagery. Of course, the grilling will probably be coming from the Police instead, as reported in The Star.

Like... will it be charcoal briquettes, or hickory chips, that's used for the grilling. Or if there'll be coleslaw served as a side dish. And will he taste better with traditional barbecue sauce, sambal, or tartar sauce?

More importantly, will he taste like chicken?

Click here for the full post......

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Benjamin Zephaniah and a Poetry Slam

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Tardiness apology: Walski was supposed to post this a lot earlier in the day, but couldn't because of work.

A quick post to give you some heads up about what's happening the end of the week. Two arty events, actually.

Image courtesy of Pang-CentralMarket, hosting by PhotobucketThe first is British writer and dub poet, Benjamin Zephaniah, who will be doing a special performance on Friday, March 30, at the Central Market Annexe (top floor). Program begins at 8:30pm, and entrance is with a measly RM 10 donation at the door.

Here are some interesting facts about Benjamin Zephaniah:
► he shares the same birthday with Walski, April 15th! A few years older than Walski though.
► he publicly turned down an offer to receive the OBE. He essentially broke with the tradition of declining the award silently (see this news article from the Guardian)
► he's a passionate vegan
► he's a fan of Aston Villa football club (but Walski forgives him for this)

Benjamin is in Malaysia for the KL International Literary Festival, currently ongoing. Also performing on Friday will be poet Rahmat Haron, reggae bands Kuchalana and Tenderfist, plus "Wayang Kadbod" by anak-anak Kampung Berembang from Projek Kampung Seni. A preview of the Wayang Kadbod is available for viewing at YouTube.

More details about this event are also available at the Ricecooker site.
(wrestling meets poetry, in the full post)

The other event Walski wants to tell y'all about is a poetry slam event, which he got wind of courtesy of Peter Hassan Brown via e-mail. Okay, it's poetry slam, not poetry slamdown - which sounds like a wrestling match where the wrestlers beat each up with their best wordsworth... The event, by the way, is the first ever Cross-Causeway Poetry Slam™.

Image stolen from Bibliobibuli, hosting by PhotobucketPoetic dueling... and totally WWF-free

Biblobibuli has a nice write-up of the event, which is where Walski nicked the poster above. It will be held at Seksan's, 67 Jalan Tempinis 1, Lucky Garden, Bangsar (click here for directions), on Saturday, March 31, starting at 3:30pm.

Unfortunately, Walski will be out of town, and won't be able to go to either one of these wonderful events. But if you're in KL, and are wondering what to do Friday and Saturday... well, now you know.

Click here for the full post......

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Shitty way to die...

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... as in literally.

Image hosting by Photobucket5 confirmed deaths, with dozens more unaccounted for

Read the full news report here (via Al-Jazeera).

The report goes on to say that the sewage handling facilities, designed for a population of 50,000, has been operating over 3 times it's design capacity, serving over 190,000 residents. And it's hazardous potential to the nearby residents had been highlighted as far back as 2004 by UN aid agencies.

When you gotta go, you gotta go. That's one of those inevitable realities in life, like taxes. But certainly not this way.

Click here for the full post......

Will the real Shahrir Samad please stand up?

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May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Shady Shahrir Samad please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Slim Shady Shahrir Samad please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here..

(original lyrics by Eminem here)

Image taken from, hosting by PhotobucketDon't get Walski wrong. Although politics is like the cesspool of life - it's the scum that usually rise to the top - there are a few exceptional politicians that Walski respects, and Shahrir Samad happens to be one of them.

And apparently the good MP for Johor Bharu has started to blog - again (hat-tip to Nuraina, via Rocky). Or has he?

Immediately after reading Nuraina's post, Walski went and took a look-see at Datuk Shahrir's new blog, Shahrir Samad. Walski knew almost immediately that it wasn't Shahrir blogging, but someone else, on his behalf.

Perhaps a blog-master, hired by Datuk Shahrir, or perhaps an ardent fan of his... who knows.

The first big tip-off: the blogger's profile, right at the top of the blog. Walski doesn't know of many people who would address themselves as Yang Berhormat, or YB (Bahasa Malaysia, meaning Right Honorable). It's usually other people that would address him as such. Like someone hired to operate his blog.

Another very apparent hint that it's not Shahrir blogging is the fact that none of the posts so far look like anything written in the first person. Granted, Walski writes in the third person, as do some other bloggers out there, but it is Walski that writes, not someone else. And it's usually quite easy to tell.
(more third-personal thoughts, in the full post)

Contrast Shahrir Samad's blog with another politician's blog: Lim Kit Siang's, and you'll know what Walski means.

Well, be that as it may, Walski will echo the feelings of many whom have commented on the new Shahrir Samad blog - it would be nice to read his own thoughts for a change. As it is, the blog looks like a clone of the earlier Shahrir Samad blog, Shahrir-UMNO. What's the point of having a blog, if it's for no other reason than self-promotion, via C&P postings? Walski's very sure that Datuk Shahrir has lots of real and valuable thoughts to share with the masses. Personal thoughts, and not echoes of tired party-line babblings, or news that's not really news anymore. Walski will coin a new term for this, and call it olds.

So, Walski will repeat this one last time: Will the real Shahrir Samad please stand up?

Click here for the full post......

Monday, March 26, 2007

Conspiracy Update

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Related post: Mamak Conspiracy: The Contest

Yes, boys and girls, a quick update on the ongoing Mamak Conspiracy contest, lest ye forget.

Image hosting by Photobucket3 autographed CDs still up for grabs!

So far, we have received a number of interesting conspiracy theories, but Walski wants more! Rules and regulations are simple - there hardly are any (or see here for details)! Your conspiracy theories are still being accepted until the end of March, but if you beg and plead, Walski may extend it for a couple of days into April...

Don't know what a conspiracy theory looks like? Well, here's one to whet your writing appetite...
(sample theory, and more, in the full post)

Walski figured that you probably need a sample or three, being that some of you are probably from the A's over-achiever generation of tuition center addicts that need sample papers to do well in exams... hence, sample theories are probably the requirement of the day. Even though this isn't exactly an exam. Either that, or you're a firm believer of fate - and have no fucking clue what the word conspiracy means.

Oh well, if these insult won't budge you into action, Walski figures nothing will...

If you have ever driven along the Middle Ring Road 2 (in KL), or MRR2 as we locals call it, you'll probably notice that there isn't one standard speed limit along the entire stretch. Yes, there are speed limit signs along the way, but they vary from 50 to 90 km/h without much (or any) warning to pre-empt you of a speed zone change.

Well, if you're travelling into the city from Kepong along the MRR2, you'll notice first off, that the posted speed limit, for a 6-lane highway, is a blistering 60 km/h. With a few reminder signs, just in case you forget - which is just about anybody using that highway, because the speed limit is simply not reasonable. Then, once you get down from the second, smaller flyover (after the once-cracked elevated stretch), no speed limits posted - at all. On average, cars travel at around 90 km/h here in the fast lane.

On some days, you'll probably come across a police roadblock further down, just before reaching Batu Caves, and Walski's seen several vehicles pulled over, presumably for speeding. But above what speed limit? Walski didn't bother to stop and ask.

The theory here is that it is an evil conspiracy between JKR (the Malaysian Public Works Department - the builders & maintainers of this crappy highway), Samy Velu (the minister in charge of the crappy design), and the Royal Malaysian Police, as a means to get some added revenue.

Then, further down, where the posted limit is 90 km/h (which most drivers don't notice), traffic usually slows down to below 80 km/h, because there usually is another speed trap, just before the split to the Karak Highway. And Malaysian drivers being Malaysian drivers, when you know there's a speed trap ahead, overcompensate and slow down to as unreasonable a slow speed as reasonably possible.

So, the second part of the theory - jam traffic up bad enough to make the Mayor's road pricing proposal an acceptable one. Between there, and Ampang Jaya, there are enough bottlenecks along the way - with ambigous speed limits, although some believe it to be 80 km/h - to make your daily travel as unbearable as possible. And frequently, traffic grinds to a halt for no apparent reason whatsoever. And speaking of congestion...

Third part of the theory - enter City Hall - divert traffic within city limits in the worst possible way to create as massive a congestion as possible. Walski, of course, is talking about the Jalan Pahang-to-Jalan Ipon diversion disaster area.

"Make me pay a levee!" cry the exasperated city drivers... in desperation, after spending hours of non-quality time stuck in traffic. Whether or not the levee will actually solve any problem is another matter.

So there, a multi-layered conspiracy involving several agencies - for revenue, maybe profit, and getting ill-thought-out road congestion alleviation proposals through.

Important cover-Walski's-ass Disclaimer: The above is not based on any facts, definitely has not a shred of truth, nor is it an accusation. Just imagining sample theory for make benefit glorious readers of this blog entering contest to win freebies.

See - easy, isn't it? Well, okay, truth be told, it sounds pretty lame, actually, so Walski's sure you can do better. Up for the challenge?

With very little effort, a little creativity, and time to kill, you too could one day be the proud owner of an autographed Ben' Bitches Mamak Conspiracy CD! There are no winners in this contest, only losers - but you could walk away a loser with an autographed CD...

Click here for the full post......

A chance encounter... the UEFA Champions League Trophy

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It's been way too long since the last football related post, what with all that's been going on.

This was a real chance encounter for Walski and the Mrs (the bigger football fan between the two of us!). We just happened to be at The Curve on Saturday, March 24th, around the time the UEFA Champions League Trophy was to be unveiled for its 2-day display, as part of its Asian tour. The event was brought to Malaysia by the good folks at Heineken, who have, by the way, a website dedicated to the championship (with a nice cover-our-ass disclaimer, no less).

To be precise, the trophy was on display at the Piazza between The Curve and the Cineleisure Mall next door, on Saturday evening and on Sunday. So, if you're only finding out about it via this post, it's a little too late to go see it.

Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Piazza in front of Cineleisure was the venue

Yes, there was all the glitz, fanfare, small-time fireworks, and lots of acrid smoke accompanying the unveiling of the trophy. Note to organizers: when having an event in a tent, it's not the best of ideas to incorporate pyrotechnics of any kind... something to remember for future reference!

Image hosting by PhotobucketAftermath of firesparklers, confetti and smoke - in a tent!

But eventually, the smoke did settle down, and with any event, speeches had to be made. To the best of Walski's recollection, officiating the ceremony were folks from Guinness Anchor Bhd and UEFA (can't remember the names, however).

Image hosting by PhotobucketThe trophy for the biggest club championship in the world

This trophy is of course the exact same one that Barcelona FC won last year. The previous trophy, won by Liverpool in that spectacular final in Instanbul in 2005, is now living in Anfield. It was, of course, presented to Liverpool permanently, by virtue of their being 5 time winners of the cup.
(the trophy, and thoughts on Liverpool, in the full post)

Image hosting by PhotobucketCommemorating the might Reds victory - 5 time champions of Europe

Ah, yes. For Walski and the Mrs, while the trophy was something to gawk at, what caught our eyes most were the Liverpool related displays that adorned the tent. Perhaps one of the most exciting finals in recent history, the AC Milan - Liverpool final in Instanbul two years ago was definitely an early morning to remember, particularly if you're a Liverpool fan.

Image hosting by PhotobucketThe 2004 - 2005 Final: The Most Incredible Final in History

Since Walski had to crop and resize the pix, you probably can't make out what the plaque reads:

The most incredible final in history. AC Milan legend Paolo Maldini scored in the first minute and the Italians were 3 - 0 ahead by halftime. Inspired by Steven Gerard, however, Liverpool FC came back to make it 3 - 3. Goalkeeper Jerzy Dudek was the hero in the shoot-out, saving Shevchenko's shot to spark wild celebrations for Liverpool FC.
"The cup ended up in Steven Gerard's bed. He wouldn't let go of it!"
Liverpool FC Chief Executive Rick Perry, 2005

And really, can you blame Stevie G? Walski knows of a number of die-hard Liverpool fans who watched the first half and didn't bother watching the rest. And really kicked themselves after finding out the final results.

Image hosting by PhotobucketWill the boys make it #6 this time around?

Being a Liverpool fan is really a life-long exercise in masochism - and this season is no different. Just when you thought they were rebounding back, they go and throw a game away. But somehow, their performance in the Champions League is as if it's a different team playing altogether, from the English Premier League.

The trophy up-close, image hosting by PhotobucketThis year, though, the recent draws for the Champions League Quarter Finals looks promising. Liverpool have to next get past PSV Eindhoven, the team that knocked Arsenal out in the last 16. What is a little worrying is that PSV's coach is the same one coaching Benfica last season. Benfica, of course, knocked Liverpool out quite unceremoniously.

The Mrs, however, is optimistic. She thinks that the draw has worked out in Liverpool's favor. And she may be right. We'll just have to wait a bit and see. PSV hosts Liverpool on Wednesday, April 3rd (early morning April 4th Malaysia time) for the first leg of the Quarter-Finals, with the return leg at Anfield 8 days later, on April 11th.

As for the other teams, Chelsea vs. Valencia on April 4th (never a good thing to play home first, heh heh), Man U. meet Roma away the same day, and AC Milan host Bayern Munich on April 3rd. For both Chelsea and Man U, they play their return legs with one day less to prepare, on April 10th. A sign, perhaps, in Liverpool's favor?

The prediction? Liverpool will meet Valencia in the semi's, with AC Milan and Roma making up the other two teams. The final will see Liverpool beating the crap out of Roma, to lift the trophy for the sixth time...

And with no apologies whatsoever to Man U. & Chelsea fans...

Walski's photogallery footnote: Finally, at long last, Walski now has a digital camera again to play with (with undying love and thanks to the Mrs). And so expect more original pix on this blog. Of course, when the situation warrants it, Walski will continue to generate the parody pictures, fear not...

Click here for the full post......

Friday, March 23, 2007

Justice, or "Just Us"?

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Image taken from Greater Hartford Legal Aid (, hosting by PhotobucketMany years ago, Walski remembers a stand-up comedy skit, by the late Richard Pryor. Yeah, before the movies he used to do stand-up. Anyway, there was one where he relates a discussion about justice in America. The puchline was that if you go to any prison you'd see that "there's no justice, just us" (meaning African Americans).

Or something to that effect.

In any case, Walski read Malik Imtiaz's post today, entitled "What's Going On?" In it he relates 3 recent civil court cases where the wheels of justice somehow spun the wrong way. In fact, spun off the tracks altogether, if you ask Walski. All three have to do with the forced conversion to Islam of minors. And no prizes for guessing what happened.

So, the question Walski has is this - and it is directed to those Muslims who are so adamant on wanting to believe that Islam is at risk, under attack, threatened, and what not. Do a little soul-searching, then answer:

As a Muslim, what's more important, Justice or "Just Us"?

And if you feel like you have a good answer, you know how to leave a comment. No? Walski didn't think so, either...

Click here for the full post......

Feed Me!

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Feed me, Seymour! Feed me!

Image hosting by PhotobucketOriginal image taken from here

Lines from a 80's classic musical comedy, Little Shop of Horrors... which is what Walski immediately thought of when embarking on this post.

Okay, this post is a bit of gratuitous self-promotion... that's all. Just so that you don't miss a single myAsylum escapade in the future, subscribe to this blog using RSS (Really Simple Syndication). You can either use a machine-installed RSS aggregator (like FeedReader or RSSReader, both free), or use one of the numerous web-based ones (like Google Reader, My Yahoo!, Bloglines, and many others).

Walski did a little revamping of the syndication section of this blog this morning - see right sidebar - to include buttons which enable you to automatically add myAsylum's feed to your feed aggregator of choice. The list of available aggregators is not exhaustive, so if you'd like to see button for one that's not already there, give Walski a holler. And if RSS technology is simply too scary for you, a subcription via e-mail is also available.
(a bit about RSS feeds, and more, in the full post)

For the not-so-tech-savvy, RSS is an XML-based technology that allows syndication of news sites and blogs (or just about any website), and has been around for the last few years. Newer web browsers, like Firefox or Internet Explorer 7.0, incorporate the ability to subscribe to RSS feeds directly, without the need of using an aggregator.

Image hosting by PhotobucketThe icon you see on the left has become somewhat of the standard icon for RSS in recent times, and can usually be found on websites (particularly news sites) that have frequent bulletins or updates, and are RSS-enabled. Most blogs have a feed function that comes standard.

For you Blogspot users, your feed link would be something like '' or '' (with the new Blogger platform). Why two? Well, as much as RSS is a standard technology, there are various ways of coding the feed, hence various formats available. We won't get into the nitty gritty of the differences here. There are three prevalent formats in use today: Atom (the first link), RSS and RDF (the earliest developed format, from Walski's understanding). Most aggregators support both Atom and RSS, and so most RSS-friendly sites typically use either one of these two, or provide both. Wordpress users can find their feed link even more easily - your blog URL, followed by the '/feeds/' suffix.

Walski uses a separate feed publisher, namely Feedburner, which takes care of all the formatting hassles and compatibilities. Another neat widget Walski put in to myAsylum some months back is an aggregate of RSS feeds from a few blogs of note, using a service from FeedDigest - also on the right-hand side bar.

So, if you haven't subscribed to myAsylum yet, what are you waiting for? After all, like most good things in life, it's free!

Click here for the full post......

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Article 11 Revisted

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Got wind of the fresh new-looking Article 11 website from this Malaysiakini news report yesterday evening. Then, this morning, Walski saw Malik Imtiaz's post, to the same effect. Then came Marina's post soon after.

Hold the press: The videos mentioned in the Malaysiakini report referenced above have just been posted at Malaysia-Today.

Image hosting by PhotobucketRevamped website, but some content not yet available

Do yourself a favor, and check out the website to find out what the Article 11 coalition is really about. Why? Because there are many out there who have been distorting the real purpose and mission of this coalition, namely BADAI (Badan Anti-IFC, or Anti-IFC Body) and ACCIN (Allied Coordinating Committee of Islamic NGOs). The picture they want you to believe is something different altogether.

And the onslaught continues. This, incidentally, appeared in Harakah yesterday.

Image hosting by PhotobucketMore murtad scariness...

Walski's partial translation (in-line comments in this color, and all emphasis by myAsylum):

Apostasy phenomenon becoming more cancerous, more Malays involved

Bukit Katil (March 21) - The phenomenon of apostasy today is spreading, and worrying, to the point that allegedly many Muslim Malays are heading in that direction.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Supreme Council member, Dr. Badrul Amin Bahron alleged, that up till July last year, the numbers are terrifying, and that many had apostasized to become Christians and Hindus.

[The "scary" numbers here probably refer to the 250,000 quoted by the Perak Mufti last year, a number which has yet to be substantiated]

"If the movement to apostasize Muslims is not curtailed, I believe that in the near future one quarter of all Malays will apostasize, because the efforts of those involved [in the apostasy movement] are well-planned and in earnest.

[Again, similar to the ludicrous claims made by Teras not too long ago, figures are being quoted out of thin air, and not based on anything real or substantiatable]

"Pak Lah says that this is a small issue, the bigger issue being racial harmony; we don't deny this, but the real issue is why are they provoking our religion," said Dr. Badrul Amin.

He added, the Interfaith Commission (IFC) demands that the children of Muslims do not automatically become Muslims, and that is an afront to Islam.

Which again, is not what the IFC is about (more on that later).

What BADAI, ACCIN, and the like, have done, is to link Article 11 with the IFC, and in the process, have successfully bought the mindshare of those who choose not to question. Which is a lot of people.

This is why you owe it to yourself to really understand what the Article 11 coalition is all about.
(more lies, and the liars that spew them, in the full post)

Sometime back, Walski came across an interesting website called The Truth Of The Matter, which is dedicated to exposing the mindset manipulation exercise that BADAI and ACCIN, among others, have been carrying out.

Image hosting by PhotobucketBADAI & ACCIN Lies Exposed

This is another website you owe yourself to check out. If for no other reason, to provide some balance to the arguments being promoted by the anti-Article 11 folk. The Truth Of The Matter is presented in both English and Bahasa Malaysia. Walski will not tell you who the author is - but it is something you can easily find out if you bother to visit the website.

More importantly, this website explains what the background of the IFC is, and why Article 11 and the formation of the IFC are two separate things altogether.

In order that Walski is not accused of being unfair, the following are the links to sites promoting the anti-Article 11 agenda, which Walski has so far come across (do let him know if you happen to know of others). - the official website for PEMBELA (Pertubuhan-Pertubuhan Pembela Islam)
Bantah IFC - site providing anti-IFC resources, likely related in some way to ACCIN (but not explicitly mentioned as such)
TERAS - one of the organizations related to the anti-Article 11 movement

Your mission: go look at everything that's been presented here, for and against, then decide, for yourself, whether or not you should be supporting the Article 11 coalition, or the other guys.

You know where Walski stands, but far be it for him to tell you how to think... that's your own job.

Click here for the full post......

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


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No, it's not the title of a new religious reality show on TV. It appears that we don't have quite enough fatwas (Islamic religious decrees/edicts) to micromanage our lives.

Image hosting by PhotobucketFaTwA and FTA only differ by two letters
(entire article, or download PDF)

The following is a partial translation of the Harakah news article, specifically the first 6 paragraphs that are of interest (emphasis by myAsylum).

FTA potential threat to belief [and] sovereignty of Islam

Simpang Empat (March 21) - The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States of America can not only be seen as a new form of economic colonization, but also as a colonization of faith and sovereignty of Islam.

"The FTA that is to be implemented between Malaysia and the US may see the entry of various elements. Besides goods, the US will also export their culture and way of life into this country that can threaten the citizens' morals and faith, particularly the Muslims', PAS Central Youth Assembly Exco member Ustaz Zolkharnain Abidin explained.

He said, a lot more aspects needed to be examined by the Government, like halal food, way of life, and culture that would be brought into this country, before signing the FTA.

He added, apart from the various elements that would be brought into this country, the FTA also could potentially threaten the country's soveriegnty, to the point that the contry's constitution could be changed if it was in conflict with the FTA.

Therefore, he asks that the religious authorities, particularly the muftis (State religious leaders) to issue a fatwa pertaining to the FTA, which can potentially threaten the Muslims' faith.

"This fatwa will become a guideline for the Government before the agreement is made," he said.

God-forbid that the FTA should bring in insidious American cultural elements such as hamburgers, denim jeans, American Idol, ...

FATWA alert! FATWA alert!
(Fatwamania continues, in the full post)

Pray tell, in which alternate reality do you live, Ustaz Zolkharnain? And can I have some of the groovy mind-altering, reality-bending substance you've obviously been taking?

Really, who's kidding whom here? Okay, to be fair, perhaps in that alternate reality he lives in (dimensional or drug-induced, take your pick), he's not had the misfortune to cross paths with satellite TV. Or maybe its because McDonald's hasn't developed inter-dimensional travel technology yet. Only fair to assume. After all, they're only adept at making hamburgers, and other equally nasty foods fast.

Why Walski even bothers to comment on nutcases such as this is definitely a mystery. Perhaps it's because Astro's sucked out any sense of entertainment value remaining from watching TV, with all the blank-bleep-cut tactics, which has gotten from unbearable to give-Walski-that-sledgehammer level of intelligence-insulting broadcasting. Better stop here before Walski goes on a complete tangent with this - we'll cover how Astro's totally making Walski's life annoying in another post (or check out this old one from last year).

In short, Walski's bored, perhaps. And this idiot was simply asking for it.

Image hosting by PhotobucketAnd doesn't it sound a little hypocritical when he raises alarm bells about the Malaysian Constitution being at risk, when that's precisely what PAS would probably do if it ever came into power? Alter the Constitution to make it more Syariah-friendly - probably the first thing they'd do is alter Article 11 to suit their own agenda.

The rest of the news report is more political rhetoric on why PAS can make us Malaysians better human beings, compared to BN's failure... ya-da, ya-da, ya-da.... same 'ol poli-rhetorical crap, in other words.

Granted, there are a number of serious considerations that the Malaysian Government needs to take into account as far as the FTA is concerned. And definitely some concessions that need to be made as a result to signing such an agreement. But a threat to belief and Islam? Only if one thinks that Muslims are such delicate, idiotic beings that need coddling all the time.

But seriously, if we need a fatwa for the FTA, surely there must be other mindbogglingly important fatwas that require issuing. Like,
۞ which would please God more, changing to new tires, or re-threads?
۞ a fatwa for the preferred color of undergarments, and the legality of thongs in the eyes of the Syariah
۞ an edict on what RON gasoline is permissible for Muslims to use
۞ a fatwa covering the Syariah-friendly way of exploiting the Mat Rempit culture for political gains, and who's allowed to do it, UMNO or PAS
۞ if your ass itches, and you are holding something in your left hand, is it okay to scratch with the right hand?
۞ a fatwa on hogging the fast lane when driving (this one Walski would really want)
۞ a fatwa on requiring fatwas concerning every little aspect of life
۞ insulting people's intelligence in the name of God. OK or not?

Yeah, let's fatwa ourselves to oblivion. Why even use your God-given intelligence, when there's a fatwa ready to be unleashed? (Incidentally, for a serious discussion on unnecessary fatwas, do give Mahaguru58's post a read)

PAS as a viable alternative to what we have today? Well, despite the warts and other imperfections of the current incumbents, Walski thinks not.

What we have today may be far from perfect, but it definitely doesn't stoop down to the inane, irrational level of basic-instinct ignorance exhibited by this one Ustaz Zolkharnain.

Fatwamania, baby, Fatwamania!

Click here for the full post......

New poll: Ministerial attacks on bloggers

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Image taken from, hosting by PhotobucketA new opinion poll is up folks, and this time Walski wants to know your thoughts about the recent spate of anti-blog political rhetoric. Today, our favorite MoP (Minister of Propaganda) has joined the fray of ministers and deputy ministers to "warn" the mainstream media about giving blogs credibility, as relayed by both Rocky and The Malaysian.

So what think you? We'll keep the poll up till the end of this month, and then, as usual, discuss the results.

Is it Walski's eyes, or does the moon look like it has a slight tinge of green?
(poll platform techie notes, in the full post)

Walski's decided to try using another poll provider this time around (hat-tip: Freeluch2020). While works and does the job (albeit with some format problems), Vizu's presentation looks more solid and it's got some nice features, too, like the ability for you to leave comments, or change your vote.

If you have an online poll provider of choice you'd like to turn Walski on to, do leave a comment to this post. Walski's always looking out for good blog/web tools to incorporate into myAsylum. Keeps the site fresh and dynamic...

Update @ March 22, 1347: Just a quick update to explain one of the poll choices - paradigms shifting without a clutch. The pharase originates from an old Dilbert comic strip. Imagine yourself driving a stick-shift automobile (i.e. manual transmission car), and you shift gears without engaging the clutch. What you get is a painful, crunching sound, which is essentially your gearbox telling you, "Ouch, that hurts" followed by a string of obscenities only understood by mechanical contraptions. Similarly, when paradigms shift, and if you're either clueless as to how/why, or worse, when they shift without warning (usually a combination of the two), what results is disasterous behavior on the part of the clueless. Capisce?

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Would ROS by any other name smell just as stupid?

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(with apologies to Bill)

Walski is, of course, referring to the Registrar of Societies, and not the flower. It's a short rant about the idiots that still exist in Civil Service. And it's a true story.

Image hosting by PhotobucketPoster created at Despair, Inc.
(cow pix taken from

As part of Walski's role as a process industry professional (yes, Walski is employed - male, too), he is involved in trying to get started the Malaysian chapter of an international technology organization, which comprises companies that support this technology. Walski is part of the pro-tem committee, incidentally.

Like it or not, we have to get the chapter registered with ROS so that it would be a legal society in Malaysia. So yeah, we had to go thru the whole rigamarole of drafting the constitution, calling for the inaugural meeting which then approves the constitution, etc.

So far so good. We took the pains of taking into account all of the "important" demands of the ROS guidelines, despite them not at all being applicable to us. Nevermind, it had to be done, so we complied.

Then, comes submitting our application to ROS, and the preliminary interview. And this is where is gets interesting. Interesting in a very stupid way.

The pro-tem committee had decided to call the organization the Fxxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx Society of Malaysia, or by it's obligatory Bahasa Malaysia equivalent, Pertubuhan Fxxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx Malaysia. And what a big mistake that turned out to be.
(the implication of using "Malaysia" in a society name, in the full post)

Although it's nowhere stated in the "official" requirements, i.e. the ones that are published, when the word "Malaysia" appears in the society name, it's members are required to come from all 13 states! This was certainly news to Walski. That's what the person from ROS informed our pro-tem chairman (fortunately for the ROS person, Walski was not present).

Now, where this "requirement" comes from is anybody's guess, because you'll not find it published anywhere, as far as we could tell. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

So, since all the member companies are based in the Klang Valley, the ROS person (Walski is being very restrained and polite here) told us that we could not call ourselves Pertubuhan Fxxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx Malaysia. We couldn't call ourselves Pertubuhan Fxxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx Selangor, or Wilayah Persekutuan, because:
(a) it's stupid to call a national chapter of anything in that manner
(b) not all the companies are exclusively registered in KL or Selangor, but a mix of both territories

We're scheduled to meet with ROS again in the very near future. Plan B is to drop Malaysia from the name altogether. Let's see what the ROS fucks people have to say this time. And Walski will make sure he's there this time.

If you happen to visit their website, do not be fooled by the intelligent looking interface, and the seemingly easy-to-comply rules pertaining to setting up a society. The rules and regulations may be clear-cut. The people you'll probably have to deal with aren't.

It's amazing to Walski that such idiots roam the Civil Service. That said, it's now no longer a wonder to Walski why the Governmental "Delivery System" is in such a crappy shape. It's probably run by morons.

Just like the ones at ROS.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

In Memoriam: To the fallen in Iraq...

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Nope. For a change, no one person died, specifically, on this day.

Image hosting by PhotobucketNo, only the thousands upon thousands of Iraqis dead so far, that's all. And also to the 3,218 U.S. servicepersons who've fallen.

Walski's thoughts go out to y'all today.

Today marks the 4th year of what was supposed to be a short "we'll go in 'n kick some ass" war. March 19, 2003. Another day that will live in infamy.

Hey, did someone in the audience yell "Vietnam"?

And on May 1st, in another 43 days, it will have been 4 years since mission accomplished. Only God and Dubya know exactly how many more painful days to come after that.

Yeah - Mission accomplished, my ass.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Rock 'n Head Roll..

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What better way to spend Sunday, than to create some parody art... Taking the Web by storm? Or maybe by force? Walski sincerely hopes not.

Image hosting by PhotobucketReady to rock, and hopefully without any heads rolling...
(with a gazillion apologies to David, Chris, Tina and Jerry)

Walski now leaves it to Master Re-lyricist Howsy to write the hits...
(post context, in the full post)

What really triggered the spawning of this latest parody is this new directive from the boys in Putrajaya, which apparently only Malaysiakini had the balls to report verbatim. The rest of the MSM (particularly the English language ones) have, so far, chosen to be compliantly silent (although, The Star did publish something very much related).

Add to this have been the following reports from Walski's favorite 'liars': Rocky's Bru (oh, and belated congratulations on your recently joining the millionaire's club!), Jeff Ooi, The Malaysian, Susan Loone (rather cryptically), and not forgetting KTemoc (here and here). In addition, of course, this news report from the nation's official liar news agency.

Funny, but for a country that's highly allergic to anything remotely Communist, we certainly want to control our press Soviet-style. Far be it for Walski to say so, but some may even think this as (gasp!) hypocritical...

Walski's album parody inspiration note:
Image taken from Wikipedia, hosting by PhotobucketThe parody above was inspired by the album cover of Talking Heads' Remain in Light album (on the left), their 4th studio album, released in 1980. The song titles "re-engineered" for the poster are Psycho Killer, Once in a Lifetime, Perfect World, and of course, the ever popular, one-time MTV staple, Burning Down The House, respectively. All four songs were featured on various Talking Heads albums, and only Once in a Lifetime appears on Remain In Light.

Talking Heads was a seminal music group that grew out of the post-Punk New York music scene, whose music had very heavy social and political subtext. The group produced eight studio albums, between 1977 and 1988, before finally calling it quits. The quartet consisted of David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth and Jerry Harrison.

David Byrne, lead-man for the group went on to a successful solo career post-Heads, and among some of his achievements include his work on the soundtrack album for Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor", with Ryuichi Sakamoto and Cong Su.

Harrison, on the other hand, has become somewhat of a notable producer, and has produced albums for, among other people, The Violent Femmes, Crash Test Dummies, and No Doubt.

As an additional bit of Talking Heads-related Top-40 trivia: the opening rift to Mariah Carey's 1995 hit "Fantasy" comes from Tom-Tom Club's Genius of Love. Tom-Tom Club is a side-project of husband and wife team Chris Frantz & Tina Weymouth. Incidentally, both are also co-collaborators on the Gorillaz project (yeah, that Gorillaz).

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Educational benefits of porn

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Related post: How did you learn about SEX?

UPDATE: Marina M. has been so kind as to provide some relevant (and important) perspective about what's actually happening as far as the Malaysian school curriculum is concerned (see the comments section). Thanks Marina!

Porn - that's how 50% of those responding to this past week's survey say they learned about sex.

Image from, hosting by PhotobucketFortunately, all 60 respondents know what sex is

Not at all shocking, to tell you the truth. It's probably something we already know, but didn't want to admit. Another thing we probably don't want to admit is that the absence of proper Sex Education in schools may be a contributing factor to why kids venture to experiment with sex earlier than they should. And worse, unprepared.

The next largest group, 38% (or 23 votes) claim they learned about sex from their friends. And since at least half of them probably learned from porn, we can estimate that the actual number who learned about sex from porn (directly or indirectly) is around 69% or so. Okay, this is a bit of an extrapolated stretch, but again, not that difficult to believe.

Of course, this survey is far from scientific, but it does give us an indication of the fact that a lot of us probably are not getting accurate information about sex. This includes the risks (of infection) as well as the liabilities (particularly pregnancy).

By the way, Sex Education is a lot more than teaching kids to fuck, as many ultra-moralists would like us to believe.
(more sexy educational thoughts, in the full post)

It covers human development (from conception to birth), contraceptive methods, emotional and physical changes during the adolescent years, risky sexual behaviors, sexually transmitted diseases, dangers of sexual and child abuse, and a number of other associated areas - and yes, many curriculums worldwide include details of sex itself (source: Wikipedia).

Here in Malaysia, formal Sex Education has not yet been introduced in schools, although it has been discussed for a number of years now. Walski's guess is that there is strong resistance from the influential moralistas out there, be it in Government, the BN, as well as within the Opposition parties (particularly the PAS-types, one would imagine).

Everywhere in the world, when the subject of sex education is brought up, a moralistic position won't be far behind. The general popular argument is that introducing sex education will cause immorality among youth. Another associated argument is that instead, more religion should be thrown at the kids - in other words, Abstinence Education. Yeah, that works great with raging hormones.

But let's put the pros and cons of Sex Education aside for a moment, and look at the reality of today's society. Of late, there has been a noticeable increase in reported sex-related crimes - rape, incest, molestation. Rape aside, could the cases of incest and molestation of children possibly have been avoided if the young victims recognized early on that the perpetrators of such crimes were touching them physically in an inapropriate way?

The moralistas, when hearing about teens getting pregnant, or in extreme cases, giving birth at school (as happened recently in Perak), immediately point to moral decay, and actually have the gall to use these unfortunate incidents as proof of why Sex Education should not be introduced.

Or what about the pro-segregationists? That kids should be sexually segregated at as young an age as possible? You know, it wouldn't surprise Walski an iota, if one day, he woke up to read a news report of some nutcase suggesting that all young people, upon reaching puberty, be chemically neutered, temporarily, until they get married.

From Walski's straw-poll survey, 5% (or 3 votes) stated that they learned about sex from their religious teachers - hopefully, not the hard way. But has anyone of you actually read the marriage manuals written purely from the religious perspective? Specifically those written for the Malay/Muslim demographic? (Walski can't really comment about those written for other religions, 'cause he's never read them)

Well, Walski has. And if someone who had absolutely no idea what sex is prior to reading these "manuals" read 'em, it would be interesting to find out what their opinion about sex were after. First of, most of these books talk about the importance and function of marriage, from the "Islamic" perspective. Usually, only about one chapter is devoted to sex itself, talking about the wedding night.

It's been a long time since Walski picked one of these up, and if memory serves him correctly, the one book that Walski remembers was written circa 1970's.

What Walski remembers:
that there are 1001 prayers (do'a) to recite before, during and after sex (okay, maybe not that many)
the best night of the week to perform sexual union is Thursday night (eve of Friday)
sex must be performed with as much clothing on as possible
the only permissible position is the man-on-top (aka missionary) position
oral sex is prohibited, as is acts of self-pleasure
and where any of it even touches on pleasure, it's always the male's pleasure that is emphasized. Women, it seems, have one, and only one, role to play - that of being the bearer of progeny. Far be it to be proper for women to view the exercise as pleasurable

So, it would really be interesting if those who responded (the 3%) could come back and elaborate exactly what they learned from their religious teachers.

But the whole point is that except for the very few (7%, or 4 votes, per the survey) that learned about sex from their parents, it would be a safe guess to say that we learn about sex through channels that probably don't prepare us well enough to deal with the risks and consequences of sexual relations.

Where sex is even discussed, it's usually done in a morally high-handed way, typically leaning towards don't, don't and more don't, rather than discussing the pertinent issues that the young need to know (like safe sex, HIV and other STD risks, and of course, pregnancy). Some kids are gonna learn about fucking one way or another - it's a question of whether we're willing to prepare them for it or not. The general state of denial that we're in today is not helping them one bit. In fact, Walski dares say, to the contrary - we're putting them at risk.

So, until and unless Sex Education is introduced - properly, and covering everything it should - it would also appear that porn is probably going to remain the key educational resource for sex education. All this political pussyfooting, avoidance and delay tactics is not helping anyone a single bit.

And to the anti-Sex Ed moralistas that happen to read this, do us all a favor - the next time some unfortunate youth becomes the victim of sexual consequence, just hold the rhetoric, stop blaming "moral decay" and start blaming yourselves. At the very least, get out of denial mode, 'cause it's starting to sound pathetically tiresome...

Click here for the full post......

England not my mother tongue...

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Walski's NaSTy Pee embargo note: Yes, Walski seems to have broken the embargo, but not really. He still does not purchase any NST publications, although has relaxed the online viewing bit on occassion, when necessary. This is one of those necessary instances.

"England not my maar-der tongue" is one of those defensive outbusts outbursts Walski has gotten a few times in the past when trying to correct someone's England English. And apparently, it's also not the mother tongue of some Malaysian news editors either.

Image hosting by PhotobucketWalski wonders if this actually made to the print edition...

The word should probably be outburst, and not outbust. Which sounds like a competition to determine who has the larger bossom. Like in "Britney Spears outbusts Kate Moss". The news article, however, had nothing to do with Pak Lah admonishing anyone's breast-size competition. It had nothing to do whatsoever with breasts.

To be fair, though, outbust does exist - in the made-up words category. So, kudos to the NST for their creative England English. Ah, yes... English as she is broken.

Okay, enough of NaSTy-bashing for one morning... the point is that the standard of English in Malaysia leaves much to be desired. Walski does his part in trying to correct his colleagues' English when he can, or people around him - without being too obnoxious.

For example, (to address Lucia's query) pursue versus pursuit. One's a verb, and the other a noun. One can pursue A's in a public exam like SPM, but the act of doing so is called pursuit of A's. What Walski sees (with a certain small amount of chagrin) a lot of times in his industry is people who call themselves Project Pursue Managers.

Which, if stated as a newspaper headline, would imply a project chasing after managers.
(more England thoughts, in the full post)

But Walski feels very indebted to his parents and (late) maternal grandparents for giving him the gift of English command. You see, at home, English was spoken more than Bahasa Malaysia, for the most part, when Walski was growing up. His late maternal grandmother went to school until Standard 3 (which was a VERY big deal in the 1930's), and grand-dad was a civil servant - back then everything was in English.

And English, like any language, requires practice. You can learn a language as a subject in school, but having any amount of proficiency requires one to use it. Preferably, speaking it regularly. Granted, Walski doesn't possess the mindboggling verbosity of Dr. Azly Abdul Rahman, or the bombasticity of Rehman Rashid (and definitely nowhere as anal).

On the other hand, some might argue that English, like many other languages, evolves into derivative dialects, to the extent that the spoken English dialects can sometimes be very different from the Queen's English. Like in Jamaica, or even Stoke-on-Trent.

Image hosting by PhotobucketDifferent Queen, but whose English was just as immaculate
(image taken from Wikipedia)

So perhaps, our disgruntlement is with the quality of Standard English in use. British or American? It doesn't matter which - the tense structures and grammatical rules are virtually the same. Walski's preference is the American version, only because he studied there. In reality, whether you spell color with or without the extraneous 'u' doesn't really matter, as long as you remember the singular or plural. Color is, colours are....

He is, she is, I is am... wonderful language, English. A language with more exceptions than rules. But hey - at least you don't have to worry about gender, like in French and other Romantic languages... now gender has no rules whatsoever. You simply need to know.

The point is that every language is unique, each with its own idiosyncracies. Many Asian languages generally don't have object number arguments. "Satu bola, satu ribu bola" is correct, but not one ball, one thousand ball.

The real challenge is to not mix the ideosyncracies idiosyncracies up...

Update: Walski's note to self - 2 things: dictionary and spell-check (Thanks Marina - but typos do occur...)

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Thumbs rule

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It's easy to fall into the trap of following one's emotions. Walski will admit that he himself has fallen into this trap more than a few times.

Image hosting by PhotobucketOne thumb to rule them all...

So, the first rule of thumb for Walski, when he launches into a tirade: it's nothing personal. It's not the person, per se, that's being attacked, rather the ideas (particularly the obviously lame-brained ones), and sometimes what said person(s) stands for.

But not the actual person. Sometimes, though, it may seem like it is an attack on the person, but really, it is not. Okay, not usually, anyway. Walski can be scathing sometimes, and he realizes that.

If you feel Walski's broken this rule, please be so kind as to whack (virtually) him on the side of the head.

You may be wondering why this post now. Well, no special reason - it's just something Walski thought about this morning and afternoon.

So, there. Said. Done. Thumbs rule!

Click here for the full post......

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Much ado about data entry error

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Walski wanted to post this a lot earlier today, but it's been a busy, busy day - meetings, then some more meetings, getting Yellow Fever shots... Yes, Walski's going somewhere, but more on that another time.

Image hosting by PhotobucketRemember that sensational "every female teenager boinks in school" report that caused such a furor. Walski had highlighted this in another post last weekend. It appears now that the report was in error, and that the final result presents a totally different picture.

The Sun today ran a story (on page 8) which stated that the correct figure of repsondents who admitted to having pre-marital sex should have been only 3%, and not the 886 out of 887 as initially reported.

Problem solved, right? Everything hunky-dory, right? WRONG!

To Walski this admission raises more questions. For example, how on earth is it possible to consistently enter the same data field wrongly 886 out of 887 times?

“The consultant team identified the source of the difference as a mistake in entering the right code during data entry from the questionnaire to the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software,” he said in a statement.
(quoting Inmind [Institut Perkembangan Minda] CEO Norizan Sharif)

Dunno... to Walski that is too much of statistical impossibility to be a data entry "mistake". The virtual screams of "cover-up" could almost be audible to these cynical ears.
(lies, damn lies and statistics, in the full post)

Assuming, however, that it was a genuine mistake, in the first place, the whole study opens up another can of fresh worms, if you were to ask Walski.

But first, chew on this paradox: if the study found that 90.5% of those surveyed exhibited lying tendencies, isn't it very possible that only 9.5% (or 84 of them) answered the survey questions truthfully, and in effect, makes the entire study a sham?

Researcher: Have you ever had pre-marital sex?
Female: Yes
Researcher: Do you lie?
Female: Yes
Researcher: Did you just lie?
Female: No

Incidentally, Institut Perkembangan Minda (Mental Development Institute) or INMIND, is a think-thank organization, operating on behalf of the Selangor state government. This probably explains why Khir Toyo claimed to not know anything about the survey being commissioned, in the Bernama news report where he labelled the report as "rubbish". The survey was initially attributed to the Selangor government directly. Also, as another aside, INMIND's Chief Executive Officer, Norizan Sharif, maintains a blog, Teratak Kembara, under the pseudonym Nobisha (which is probably a concatenation of Norizan bin Sharif).

Looking at the results, it's no surprise that Walski's buddy Howsy quite aptly insinuated that with a high number exhibiting "anti-social" demeanors of lying (90.5%) and playing truant (74.1%), these high-risk femate would probably make good candidates for politicians! And MPs.

But really, what are these female students a high-risk of? Spontaneously combusting? Becoming terrorists? OR, not fitting into the ideal picture of how the Selangor state would prefer its females to behave.

In reality though, the kids behaving the way they allegedly are could be the case where they're merely acting out the angst of teenagehood, compounded with the fact that school for them is a drudgery. Interestingly, nowhere in the news reports does it even venture to explain why these youngsters exhibit such "anti-social" behavior. Apparently it's important enough only to find out what kinds of behavior, and not why.

Neither was there any mention about the intelligence level of these troubled youth - very likely not a focus of this survey either.

Highly intelligent children trapped in an unchallenging environment do tend to act up, in ways that are sometimes construed as being "anti-social".

And isn't being late for school also possibly attributable to the worsening traffic conditions around Selangor? How anti-social of Selangor traffic.

Instead of finding out why behavior such as these have been observed, the purpose (per today's report in The Sun) of the study was "as an additional input for the development of training modules for girls".

Sounds like a morally high-handed venture, wouldn't you think? Who the fuck cares why, as long as they can modularly train the girls to be good, obedient, compliant, future breeding automatons for the great state of Selangor. In which case, who gives a shit what their intelligence level is.

In other words, transforming a whole breed of sociopaths with "undesirable" attributes, into sociopaths with acceptable behavior.

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