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Friday, October 31, 2008

Walski's Halloween Gift

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Actually, there are 2 gifts that Walski has given to y'all.

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First, of course, is the Halloween-ish banner decor, which will change from time to time. Keeping with the season and all... subject to the important contraints of time, of course. The banner will stay Halloween-ish for a few more days, at least, or until Walski gets tired of it.

But the second "gift" is perhaps the one that you Anonymous comment-snipers will probably hate Walski for...
(a minor change in commenting policy, and more, in the full post)

Walski actually welcomes all kinds of comments, negative, positive, idiotic... on the condition that you at least have a paper trail (or cyber-trail as the case may be). And no, Walski has decided to not do the conventional comment moderation thingy. Instead, fulfilling either one of the three simple conditions below allows you to comment on myAsylum posts:

  • use your Blogger username/ID
  • use your Google account, or
  • use an OpenID

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this had to happen sooner or later. And it's happening for a couple of reasons. Occassionally, this blog (like many other blogs), gets hit by the Legion of Spam - someone, or a few someones, that have nothing better to do in life than to go around blogs and leaving long comments which are nothing but spam. Interesting spam, but spam nonetheless.

The second reason, commenters who are probably cyber-troopers in Anonymous clothing. So yeah, you wanna leave threatening and/or abusive comments, go right ahead, but you gotta do a little bit of work first. Fair, no?

This new policy change may just cause the number of comments to drop drastically, but hey... it's done, so don't whinge about it...

Oh, and about the comments that you leave... Walski reads each and every one of them, but of late, he's not really had the luxury of time to respond. So yeah, when he can, Walski will still respond via to your comments, but if he doesn't, rest assured that they're read.


Click here for the full post......

Thursday, October 30, 2008


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Amazing. Simply amazing.

It often escapes the notice of many as to just how rigidly controlled Muslims are in this country. Or the attempt at rigidly controlling Muslims, at the very least. Not so many days ago, it was tomboys. And before that, those cute and glowing kiddie horns. Little by little, every little nitty gritty detail of our daily lives seems to be coming under the purvue and clutches of Jakim, and/or the Fatwa Council. Whether we like it, or not.

The next soon-to-be potential casualty: yoga. Via Malaysiakini (subscription required):

Malaysian Islamists, like the Republicans in the US, often provide good fodder for comedy. You cannot help but laugh at just how blinkered their world view is.

The saddest part about all of this, though, is that the target of this extreme mind-control - the Malay/Muslims - are willingly allowing themselves to be controlled to the point of ridiculousness. Some, in fact, support and welcome it. Is-alarm-ists like PKR Member of Parliament for Kulim Baru, Zulkifli Nordin (whom, frankly, should really be kicked out of PKR), for example, who keeps screaming "Under Threat! Under Threat!" at any and every given opportunity.

When what's really being threatened, with increasing fervor, is really our individual freedom of thought and conscience...
(prisoners in a glass cage, and more, in the full post)

Image hosting by PhotobucketAnd so, in not too distant a future, it looks like we're gonna be sic'd with another fatwa du jour.... Of course, they might come out and say that there's nothing wrong with yoga, per se, despite it having some roots in Hinduism.

Image hosting by PhotobucketOr, more likely, Walski thinks, the fatwa may pave the way for "Islamic Yoga", whatever the heck that might pan out to be. Sorta like the Islamic Wheel, Walski reckons. 

Image hosting by PhotobucketAccording to the Malaysiakini article referenced above, (and corroborated by a similar article in The Star) the mind of the Muslim is extremely fragile, you see. Anything that resembles anything remotely non-Islamic is immediately deemed a potential threat. Like T-junctions, or crosses on biscuits. And so, in order that these extremely fragile minds are protected, fatwa-titis sets in, like a religious neurosis, of sorts. It's a defense mechanism - you know, protecting Muslims not just from the challenges in life, but from life itself... 

Well, be that as it may, we'll have to wait a while before all will be revealed... not by God, of course, but by the Fatwa Council, His self-proclaimed representative on planet Malaysia.

But it did lead Walski to thinking (GASP! And yes, thinking is probably another potential faith deviator), what other things would be fatwa'd upon. And so, the deviantly thinkful Walski came up with a list. It probably isn't all encompassing, so feel free to add to it.

  • Color - while there may be a lot of disagreement between the RGB, CMYK and HSV/HSL mazhabs (schools of thought), one thing is for sure - there simply too damn many colors. Millions of 'em... and this is just plain wrong! There should be just black, white and green. And Walski's waiting for a fatwa on this very crucial issue. 
  • Anti-gravitational behavior - Gravity is one of God's basic laws. Or is it a derived law? Ok, God created it, and that infidel Newton went and quantified the damn thing. And yet, this very law is flouted with gay abandon - even as Walski writes this. If God had meant for Man to fly, He wouldn't have invented camels. Where's the fatwa on this one?
  • Bahasa Malaysia - like Yoga, much of Bahasa Malaysia (or Melayu, if you insist, you language supremacist you) is derived from Sanskrit. Yes, that same infidel Hindu language used to write about Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita and in the Rig Veda, where it's referred to as tapas (as in "ascetic practice", and not the tasty collective of Spanish dishes variety, which incidentally, Walski loves). Words like angkasa, agka, asmara, suka, samudera, pandita, mahasiswa/mahasiswi... all Hindu in origin. Does that mean speaking Bahasa Malaysia is a threat to the Islamic faith? Walski is now thoroughly confused... and needs to be fatwa'd on this ASAP.
  • Corruption - now, it's probably a no-brainer, but corruption is wrong, by the standards of any social or belief system (except maybe Ferengi). But what about those grey areas, like using religious enticements to... you know... nudge, nudge... wink, wink... curry someone's decision. Like offering Umrah (mini-pilgrimage) trips as enticement. It does happen, mind you.... So, anyone got a fatwa for Walski on this?
  • Traffic Laws - since traffic laws aren't explicitly laid out in any scripture that Walski knows of, perhaps this is one area that should be fatwa'd. Gender ambiguity is something really frowned upon, right? Walski therefore thinks that lane ambiguity should have some sort of ruling as well... those idiots who can't seem to decide between one lane or the other. And what about those right-wing morons... them motorists who put on their right turn signal, and never turn the damn thing off? There are left-wing morons, too, who can equally be as annoying, but somehow there seem to be less of 'em compared to the rght-winged bats-out-of-hell (i.e. Malaysian motorists). Since the police, for the most part, are as hopelessly lawless on the road (try following a patrol car and see how many traffic rules are flouted), can we please, please, please be fatwatized in this area? 
  • Unexpected Gender Ambiguities - Yes, it would seem that girls who look like boys are soon going to get a dose of persecution, based on a recent fatwa council statement. And we all know about those transvestite and how the Islamists just love them so... But what about appliances or utensils that can't seem to decide what gender they are? Like sporks... those abominations that are neither spoon nor fork, and many times both. Blasphemous! Or washers that are also dryers... and don't seem to do either very well. Fatwa, baby... fatwa!
  • The ubiquitous "0" - yes, the number Zero... yet another thing borrowed from the Hindus by the Arabs, who then went ahead and claimed it as their own (hence, "Arabic" numerals). Life, Walski is sure, used to be so much more Islamic when the Abjad number system was used... then that God-damned Fibonacci had to come along and screw things up.... Fatwa! Gimme a Fatwa!
  • The letter "T" - or even more damning, the small letter "t", so much resembling the icon of that other religion. After crosses on biscuits were deemed by some to be potentially detrimental to one's faith (not to mention waistline), Walski has been waiting anxiously for a fatwa on.... Holy Crap... there's a letter "t" in fatwa! We're doomed! Doomed!

In any case, if anyone reading this, Muslims in particular, is offended, then ask yourself this question: isn't it more offensive that there are folks trying to dictate what you can, or cannot do, without giving you the benefit of being a thinking individual?

Or do you think that it's okay for others to do the thinking and reasoning for you, having been convinced that you're in no position to make up your own mind?

And please... none of that "Islam should be discussed by Muslims only and not openly, or by anyone else" crap... Those supposedly in authority are doing a grand enough job of making Islam a laughing stock, without help from anyone.

All Walski's doing here is pointing out the obvious - that what rights we have as thinking individuals are slowly being systematically eroded. 

And God gave us an intellect, and a brain... for what, again?

Click here for the full post......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

myAsylum: The Musical

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Image hosting by PhotobucketWalski figured it would be time to annoy you lot a tad bit (or some of you, at the very least). 

He's just installed the radio player from LastFM, a music community platform that Walski's been a member of for quite a while now. It's sort of like Facebook, but focused on music, and things related to music.

You'll find, however, that it's not the conventional pre-fab music you get off of Malaysian commercial radio... there won't be any of that "a-yer, a-yer" crap here. 

Having said that, Walski does realize that his musical preference may not be everybody's cup of tea. In fact, there'll probably be some of you who may find it downright annoying. For the time being, though, Walski will leave the player autostart to ON. 

Unless you tell him to turn the damn thing off, by default. 
(myAsylum rocks, and more, in the full post)

Walski looks at it this way - it's time you folks got a dose of what makes Walski tick. And what better way to do that - apart from sharing the literary stuff - than to let you folks have an earful of what Walski likes music-wise.

Of course, LastFM doesn't just cater to the strange musica that Walski likes. Nope, they're pretty much across the board. If the Flo Rida like stuff just happens to be what you like (and may God have mercy on your musical tastelessness), you'll find it at LastFM as well.

Plus, they got this thing called Scrobbling - which essentially is a music listener's feedback system, available either thru the LastFM player, or as a plug-in to popular media players (Windows Media Player, Real Player, etc.). The plug in will report what music you're listening to on your internet-connected media device, and reports back to LastFM, which provides, as an end-result, a sort of frequency chart of the most listened to music on the Internet. The plug-in will also report on music you listen to off a CD, and not just in MP3 format.

In any case, LastFM did NOT pay Walski to write any of thi s. He did it on his own accord. Why? Because Walski thinks that it's a neat service, and everyone should be privvy to good stuff, right?

So, enjoy the music while you're here... and if it does get a little overwhelming, feel free to turn it off... (the controls are located on the sidebar, between the poll and profile).

Click here for the full post......

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali... to those we will Never Forget

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Walski breaks his silence to wish everyone a very Happy Deepavali.

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But as the Festival of Light is celebrated, let's never forget the permanent blotch the ISA continues to bring to Malaysia. And so, this post is dedicated to all those in custody and denied their day in court...

At the very least, Walski will never forget...
(and this is the extent of this short post)

Click here for the full post......

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Palin vs Palin

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Think of this post as an interlude - Walski just wasn't quite in the mood this morning to think about serious domestic stuff. Time off from all the shit that's been happening... Utusan, UMNO, numb nuts minister who thinks it's about being popular or not (via The Malaysian Insider)... as opposed to being morally right. Perhaps in some rare cases, over-exposure of the cranium to UV radiation does inflict damage...

In any case, Walski wanted to tell y'all about the latest opinion poll he's put up - which of the two Palins you think would actually make a better Vice President of the United States of America.

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The poll has already been up for a few days, but Walski was, quite frankly, a bit too tied up with other stuff to officially announce it.

Although this poll is kinda moot - only one of the two Palins is actually running for office - Walski has a strong suspicion that John McCain picked the wrong Palin to run.

Malaysians, in general, may not be familiar with the comedic genius of Monty Python, the emsemble which propelled Michael Palin to fame. Malaysians at large may also not be familiar with Sarah Palin.

Which, interestingly enough, until about six weeks ago, was also a person whom Americans at large were equally unfamiliar with. Sarah who?
(John Cleese talks about Palin, and more, in the full post)

Many still wonder why John McCain selected this lady to be his running mate. So far, side by side with Joe Biden, Barrack Obama's VP running mate, it's really a no brainer as to whom would be a better vice president.

But what about our Palin vs. Palin situation? Another Python alumnus, perhaps, would be best qualified to answer that question.

And so, at least from John Cleese's point of view, Michael is no longer the funniest Palin he knows.

What does surprise Walski, however, is how close the poll results have been (poll is in the side bar). At one point, the votes were split equally 50/50 down the middle.

So what say you? Which Palin do YOU think is better qualified?

Click here for the full post......

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hartal Utusan: The Who's Who & The What's What

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Image hosting by PhotobucketFirst of all, Walski would like to thank all the commenters who posted their two bits with regards to the introductory Hartal Utusan posting yesterday. Walski has read all the comments, and will take them into consideration. Feel free to use the logo on your own blog, if you are in support of the proposed action against Utusan.

This post will attempt to get to know the mommy animal itself a little better - the Utusan Group, which publishes Utusan Malaysia. It's important to understand the entire group before a decision on the extent of the hartal is made. As Walski mentioned, the real target of the hartal is the people behind the rubbish that Utusan's been publishing of late. And the most effective weapon is money, which comes from advertising. 

But before that, an interesting snippet of news, from Malaysiakini today, pertaining to the banning of Hindraf by the Malaysian government.

Syed Hamid said if left unchecked, Hindraf would continue to pose a threat to public order, the security and sovereignty of the country as well as the prevailing racial harmony.
(source: Malaysiakini - subscription required)

Don't know about you folks, but take the word "Hindraf" away, and what Malaysia's Most Hated stated could equally be applied to Utusan. And why no action against the newspaper?

Perhaps this little snipped by A. Kadir Jasin (via AgendaDaily) gives us a clue. This bit of old footage comes from about a year ago, and pertains to the aborted proposed merger of the Utusan and NSTP media groups.

It was reported that out of the 40-over members, only five, including the President Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy President Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, supported the deal, forcing the official announcement of the plan to be postponed.

The Umno Supreme Council’s decision was crucial because the party and its nominees are said to control as much as 50% of Utusan Melayu’s shares. The NSTP, on the other hand, is ‘linked’ to Umno via proxies.

Originally, the merger was to be between Utusan Melayu, the publisher of Utusan Malaysia, and Media Prima Bhd, which is the controlling shareholder of The NSTP.

(source: Agenda Daily)

So yeah - Utusan is UMNO, UMNO is BN, and BN is the government. Taking action against Utusan would be like the Government shooting itself in the foot. Which it does anyways, with increasing regularity of late.
(now on to the What, and more, in the full post)

And since the Utusan group is rather large, it's also useful to know what publications are included in the media giant's stable. The Utusan Group website provides us with the information we need.

In terms of newspapers, the group publishes Utusan Malaysia and Kosmo (Utusan Melayu, and Mingguan Malaysia can be considered as subsets of the two publications). And this is where the focus should be on for our hartal. At least for a start. 

Image hosting by PhotobucketThe two targets of 'Hartal Utusan'

It also goes without saying that Hartal Utusan, apart from targeting the advertisers, also means that those in support will stop buying both these newspapers. In fact, start doing that now, if possible.

The sake of interest, there are also 12 magazines that the Utusan Group puts out: Wanita, Mangga, Kawan, Saji, Hai (Hiburan, Aksi & Informasi), iSihat, Pemikir, Harmoni, URTV, Remix, Al Islam, and of course, Walski's favorite trash reporting monthly, Mastika. Should we extend Hartal Utusan to cover these 12 publications as well? Walski's open to suggestions.

So how is our hartal going to work? That's generally been laid out in the previous post. What's needed now is some fine tuning as to how to target the advertisers. A little later in this post, Walski will throw some ideas at you, and what he needs is feedback, which you'll need to throw back.

First, however, another thank you, this time to reader (and fellow blogger) Jarod, who came up with additions to the list of advertisers, which was published as a comment to the earlier post:

  • SenQ (biggest contributor) 
  • Panasonic (2nd Biggest)
  • Carrefour
  • Celcom 
  • U-Mobile
  • Go-Holiday Air Asia
  • Andulusia Travel & Tours SB
  • Elken
  • Anak Syarikat Farlim Group
  • Ikano
  • Samsung

The rest, Jarod says, are small ads. Good job Jarod.

So here then is the game plan. Walski proposes that Hartal Utusan start on December 15, 2008 and last for one month. If required, we can extend the period.

Okay, so what are the demands? For Walski, Utusan Malaysia must stop behaving like UMNO's errand boy. Start being a real newspaper, and report factually. Also, stop with the political character assassinations - of any politician, regardless of from which side of the political divide.

Secondly, provide equal print & reporting space to all political entities. If Utusan must publish something negative about a particular political party or politician, Utusan must also publish the subject's response, in a fair manner.

Third, and most importantly, Utusan must start behaving in a manner that is productive towards nation building, and not continue to stoke racial tension, as it has been doing of late.

Three simple demands, which if not met by December 15, will result in Hartal Utusan going full steam ahead.

To make this effort more streamlined, Walski will soon start a new blog to focus on this Hartal. If anyone is interested in assisting Walski in administering the blog, drop him a line soon.

Your homework assignment:

  1. Continue with your reconnaissance, and report to Walski any new advertisers you spot
  2. Spread the word about Hartal Utusan

So, that's it for now. Walski welcomes any further comments, suggestions and discussions to make Hartal Utusan a success. Incidentally, the demands are negotiable, too. 

Click here for the full post......

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hartal Utusan

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Image hosting by PhotobucketAs Walski hinted at the end of his previous post, this one is going to focus on how to teach Utusan Malaysia a lesson.

Why do they deserve to be taught a lesson, you ask?

Before Walski get into the why's and what-nots, let him just say that this goes beyond freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, angles which Rocky seems to be looking at this from. Everyone knows that the real culprit behind Utusan Malaysia's pit-bull obsession with Teresa Kok is UMNO. Or at least individuals within that political organization.

Does freedom of speech and freedom of the press warrant using hearsay, and using said hearsay (whose veracity cannot be established) to indict someone, and having that indictment by the press used as justification for subjecting a person to the ISA?

Yes, in all this, perhaps Utusan was merely a vehicle. But a willing one, and therefore also a willing accessory.

With that out of the way, let's talk about Hartal Utusan in more detail.
(more than just an Utusan boycott, and more, in the full post)

Recently, Walski received an e-mail from a reader, Giovanni, who provided a great idea on how Utusan could be taught a lesson. Walski has replicated that e-mail and the details of the idea contained within. It goes beyond just a boycott of Utusan - it seeks action to boycott Utusan's advertisers.

Hi Walski,

I just read your
latest post on Utusan. Like you, I am equally pissed off with Utusan, Awang Selamat and that Zaini Hassan idiot who seem all out to stoke racial and religious tensions. Whilst your suggestion to boycott the buying of Utusan is a good first step, it might not be really effective on its you have said, to many people it is their only source of news and those who read blogs like yours are likely not readers of Utusan anyway.

So, how to hit them where it hurts? As someone in the consulting industry, I would suggest that to hit Utusan, you need to target its advertisers as that would constitute a big chunk of its revenue. Of course we can't persuade or demand that businesses stop advertising both in Utusan and Utusan Online by just appealing to their civic righteousness. So instead of just boycotting Utusan, one should have a focused and concerted campaign, together with other bloggers like Haris Ibrahim, etc. to boycott ADVERTISERS in Utusan and Utusan Online. In a nutshell, here's how it should work:
  1. Bloggers announce campaign to hartal Utusan advertisers starting from a STATED DATE (say for example, 1st November, 2008). It is important to give enough time so that the momentum and anticipation will build up to a sufficient level. This is crucial to ensure public awareness and participation will be widespread, otherwise the impact will be minimal and the entire campaign will not be effective. When the entire effort is focused on an impending deadline, the anticipation will be tremendous and the concerted effect after will be huge. It will also give advertisers time to hear about this impending deadline and to reconsider their existing or new advertising contracts with Utusan.

  2. Shortly prior to the deadline, advertisers still appearing in Utusan and Utusan Online will be listed in all participating blogs (remember, we must keep building awareness and momentum, so that the final action will hit with the force of a tsunami wave).

  3. Such companies can be made aware of the impending deadline by netizens bombarding their corporate emails with notice of the campaign and impending deadline. I think most emails can be obtained from their corporate websites. It can even be spread by word of mouth to people who work in those companies.

  4. On D-Day, all participating blogs will list all the advertisers STILL appearing in Utusan print or online editions. It is important that someone be responsible for compiling and updating this list and forwarding it to other participating bloggers. There must be no discrepancies or mistakes, otherwise it will affect the credibility of the campaign.  Innocent parties must not be alienated in the process.

  5. From D-Day onwards, all netizens and citizens who wish for a united country will collectively BOYCOTT all products and services of these advertisers. For example, we will not go to their restaurants or shops, we will not buy their stuff, we will not visit or link their sites, we will not have ANYTHING to do with them as long as they remain on this list. If the campaign is widespread enough, the effect on these advertisers' sales and revenues will be significant. It also would not hurt to have bloggers generally highlighting and pouring scorn on these recalcitrant advertisers in their regular postings.

  6. The list can be updated weekly and disseminated to participating bloggers by the designated person-in-charge. However, any advertiser who appears in Utusan at all after D-Day will automatically earn a MINIMUM 1-month (or more, up to you guys to decide on the penalty) boycott and free stay on the list until its name is removed 1 month from when its last ad appeared.
Only the craziest or most politically-beholden companies will continue to advertise in Utusan after this. Even then, they will not last long under a sustained consumer boycott action. Hope you will consider my suggestion seriously and discuss this with your circle of bloggers. You all are the ones with the well-known blogs and means to do this. I do not have access to people like Haris but one thing I know, I and a lot of other caring Malaysians will certainly do our utmost to spread this campaign far and wide. Enough is enough!

Thanks Giovanni, great idea indeed.

As of the time of this posting, the following are some of the advertisers that Walski could find on Utusan Online:

This is not an exhaustive list, of course, but what Walski has seen earlier today. And since he doesn't have a print copy handy (and he's not about to buy one), Walski has no idea about who the print advertisers are.

There are naturally some things to iron out - for example, if you already own a Honda or Perodua vehicle, what do you do? And no, Walski's not suggesting that you sell your car or anything like that. But if you're thinking of buying one, maybe defer the purchase until after the hartal period. Or something along those lines.

So, what say you? Is this an initiative you would support? Assuming that we set November 1, 2008 as the start date, that gives us about two weeks to get our shit together.

Comment lines are open and ready for your input...

Click here for the full post......

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


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The talk that buzzing around the bloggerhood surrounds the short story written by Chamil Wariya, formerly from Bernama. If you must, you can download a PDF of the short story. Far be it for Walski to actually ask you to visit Utusan's website...

Image hosting by PhotobucketHey boss... look at the crap I wrote...

Cerpen is a Bahasa Malaysia word that is a concatenation of two words cerita (story) and pendek (short), into which category this short story falls under.

Walski, however, has come up with a new word which categorizes "Politik baru YB J" ("New Politics of YB J") the story written by Chamil Wiraya, which is actually unimaginative and quite dull - something The Malaysian Insider seems to agree on.

The new Bahasa Malaysia word Walski has coined is Cerpun.
(what "cerpun" is, and more, in the full post)

Walski's newly created term is also a concatenation of two words - cerita and pundek. So, no, cerpun is not a very nice thing to categorize the story under. But hey... Utusan's full of it, so may as well provide a category for this kind of bad pulp fiction, right? 

Essentially, the short story is about a fictitious female member of Parliament, YB Josephine, or better known as YB J. The character is quite obviously based on MP Teresa Kok, and the short story pretty much continues the relentless onslaught by Utusan to smear the MP's reputation. Walski thinks that this story is part of Utusan's response to the RM 30 million lawsuit filed by the MP. 

Although Malaysia has strict government controls over print media (through licensing and constant harassment by the Ministry of Insecure Internals), Utusan plays by their own rules. No surprise, since it's an appendage of UMNO, making the newspaper almost impervious. And like a pit-bull on speed, once it has its fangs latched onto some bone to pick, it just doesn't know how to let go.

But what's rather disturbing about this otherwise boring cerpun is the ending, where the fictitious MP gets gunned down at a function, just as she's about to make her way up to the rostrum to speak. A note is found on the gunman, who doesn't survive the exercise, and who also gets gunned down by person or persons unspecified (translation & emphasis by myAsylum).

YB Josephine adalah ancaman terhadap keharmonian. Lebih baik riwayatnya ditamatkan supaya masyarakat berbilang kaum boleh tinggal aman damai di negara bertuah ini. Saya berkorban untuk masa depan.

YB Josephine is a threat to harmony. It's better that her life be cut short so that the multiracial people of this great country can live in peace. I have made this sacrifice for our future.
(source: cerpun "Politik baru YB J")

It implicitly says that violence, as a means towards a noble end, is okay. And this message is targetted, it would seem, to the Malays, as a means to solicit their support for UMNO. Some say that it's inciteful, others say just ignore these Utusan fuckers.

But the reality is that for many, this piece of shit paper is their only source of news, coupled with the equally UMNO-worshipping TV3. What these two media entities say, to them, is the gospel truth. Which is where the danger is - these are probably the same simpletons who think that Mastika is great investigative reporting.

Utusan needs to be taught a lesson. And that is going to be the center of Walski's next post, coming to this cerpun-bashing blog real soon...

Click here for the full post......

The Whole is the Sum of its Parts

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Botero's Mona Lisa, even jigsawed, is still a sum of its parts. Image hosting by PhotobucketThings have gotten a tad bit strange of late. 

Stranger, since Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, future ex-PM, announced that he's stepping down much earlier than the 2010 deadline he'd stated before. Which, he now says, he planned to do, anyway... It's one retrospective thought nobody buys, but nevermind.

Take for instance this talk lately about the BN component parties merging into one multi-racial party, something that has been mooted by Gerakan.

You know why some in the BN leadership are even considering thinking about this? Because their butts got kicked big time on March 8. And the ass kicking got done by a coalition that is NOT the sum of race-based parts.

And now that's what BN thinks it needs to be to get back into the political groove of relevancy. Just because the other guys are multi-ethnic. Or, at least some folks within the ruling coalition think so. 

Is it a serious idea they're toying with, or are they just jerking our chain? Hard to say. And the nature of what form this idea will take is equally perplexing, going by what Mr. Future Ex said last week.

A few days back, Pak Lah clarified that the parts that make up BN aren't going to be dissolved. So, what he meant was a separate grouping where folks can join directly without first being a member of the BN parts - simply that. But as The Dandelions have rightly asked, would this be more of a BN Fan Club, rather than a more meaningful collective? Like, one which could eventually provide representation in the executive?
(the whole, the parts, their sum, and more, in the full post)

Somehow, Walski thinks not.

The parts simply won't have it. One major part, in particular - UMNO. Dissolving and becoming part of the greater BN collective, without (in theory) the right of claiming superiority of some kind, will probably not go down too well with these UMNO fellers. UMNO, like the male sex partner who thinks the missionary position is the only morally correct one, has to be on top. Somehow, some way.

But don't take Walski's word for it. Future Ex-PM wannabe, Najib Abdul Razak pretty much thinks the same way (via Bernama, emphasis by myAsylum).

Now is not the time for Barisan Nasional to become a single multiracial party, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Friday.

The deputy prime minister said such a proposal was a big step which needed a mandate from all the BN component parties.

"This is a very big step and needs to be discussed with all the BN components parties and we have not that level for discussion," told reporters after attending the joint meeting of federal department heads and community leaders organised by the state Umno here.

The proposal of a merged multiracial party of BN components was made by Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.

(source: Bernama)

In other words, deciphering the political doublespeak, as long as UMNO has something to say about it, it'll never happen. The other components may be receptive to it, but not UMNO.

And yet, within UMNO, there are voices of hope. Or at the very least, voices of hope hoping that they are indeed voices of hope. They hope.

Like Mukhriz Mahathir, for instance (via Malaysiakini, subscription required, emphasis by myAsylum).

With 40 nominations in hand to back his bid to contest the Umno Youth chief’s post, Mukhriz Mahathir regards it as a ‘clear sign’ that the grassroots want change.

Met at the Parliament lobby today, the son of former premier and Umno president Dr Mahathir Mohamad said “they see that I represent (change)”.

(source: Malaysiakini)

GOREGOYLE - a fictitious mythical concoction. Image taken from, hosting by PhotobucketChange... and Walski insists that this question be answered: Change to what? Look, put it this way - you may change the filter, and you may even change the brand of beans, but at the end of it all, you're still gonna get coffee. And Mukhriz really needs to wake up and smell the percolator.

Long story short, as long as each component of BN still represents the dying paradigm of championing race (with a few exceptions), BN will still represent that - a coalition of race-based political entities, even though BN, as a whole, uses "unity" as their mantra. And as mantras go, it's more of blabber-mouthing-off, rather than a spiritual embodiment of the idea.

And that, unfortunately, is the reality of the pudding. A non-partisan BN-direct entity open to all, at the end of the day, things being the way they are, is either going to:

  1. be just a supporters' club, or
  2. be a just-for-show thingamajig, or
  3. be a total waste of time and resources, or
  4. all of the above

And like the Goregoyle - a mythical beast made up of incongruous parts, plus Al Gore's head, a direct-entry BN component will be nothing more than a fifth wheel, serving no other purpose than a useless appendage for the sake of appearances.

Click here for the full post......

Friday, October 10, 2008

WTF: Datuk Shah Rukh Khan?

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Updated @ 10:12pm: Some other theories from across the bloggerhood at the end of the post...

Okay, okay, so Walski got this bit of totally worthless news from Utusan - Malaysia's most biased newspaper in existence. So sue him... Walski monitors what garbage the piece of shit paper puts out, and occassionally - apart from the continued Hindraf bashing - you get gems like this (translation by myAsylum).

Image from Wikipedia, hosting by PhotobucketPelakon terkenal Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan merupakan antara penerima Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM) sempena hari jadi Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka, Tun Mohd. Khalil Yaakob ke-70, esok.

Dengan penganugerahan darjah DMSM itu, Shah Rukh Khan akan bergelar Datuk.

Well known Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan is among the recipients of the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM), on the occassion of The Governor of Melaka, Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob's 70th birthday tomorrow.

With conference of the DMSM award, Shah Rukh Khan will be entitled to the honorific of Datuk.

(source: Utusan Online)

You must be wondering why Walski's interest in this non-news, which in Utusan's true style of bullshit journalism, doesn't go as far as to tell what the famous Bollywood star has done for Melaka to deserve the Datuk-ship. Well, truth be told, he has a theory to share with you folks.

As you may or may not know, the crowded pool of UMNO VP hopefuls includes Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam, Chief Minister of Melaka. Is this possibly an attempt to boost his popularity within the UMNO party voters? A kind of a twisted vote-buying exercise, perhaps?

Or is it some kind of Malaysian Indian appeasement exercise?

Seriously, why the fuck Shah Rukh Khan?
(inexplicable are the possible reasons, and more, in the full post)

Okay, so he's a big time actor who's gotten a shitload of awards from all and sundry. What on earth does he have to do with Melaka?

Let Walski make it crystal clear that this is not, by the way, a Shah Rukh Khan bashing post. Walski may not be a fan of Bollywood films, or care that there actually is a big difference between Shah Rukh and Genghiz, but what has Shah Rukh done for Melaka, or Ali Rustam, to deserve the award?

Siti Nurhaliza, Walski can (almost) understand. But Shah Rukh Khan?

Surely it can't be that it's because almost all the Sultans of ancient Malacca had "Shah" as part of their names, which is the closest thing to a plausible explanation Walski could find.

Which, as explanations go, isn't a good one at all...

Okay, so Bollywood is big with many Malaysians of various IQ levels across all DNA pools, and as hunks go, Shah Rukh's a pretty good looking one. But is making Shah Rukh Khan a Datuk going to help rally Wall Street or the KLSE to a glorious Bollywood-style rebound? Walski thinks... NOT.

Samy Vellu may probably come out and make an idiotic statement of how the conferring the award shows that Indian are treated well under the BN government. Apart from the MIC die-hards, no one will probably give a shit...

Which brings us back to the question: why is Shah Rukh Khan getting a Datuk-ship? Anyone will agree that even RPK would be more deserving.

Anyone care to enlighten Walski?

Update: Blogger Hasbullah Pit has a theory of his own... go read it. Funny stuff... Still, Walski's not convinced. Next...

Click here for the full post......

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Spam du jour

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Yesterday's post, Walski's virgin attempt at blogging in Bahasa Malaysia, probably took most of you by surprise. It was an attempt to reach out and bitch-slap Utusan. Probably not a very successful one, though, Walski thinks. As for punishing Utusan, a reader has e-mailed Walski with a great idea which he will share with you in another post (waiting for said reader's green light to use the idea). So, stay tuned.

In any case, yesterday's post was also a baby step in realizing another idea - a blog in Bahasa.

Time, however, is not on Walski's side. And so, a great suggestion was offered by Michelle Yoon, author of the very excellent I Am Malaysian blog - why not do the Bahasa Malaysia blog as a collaboration? So, if anyone out there is interested in exploring this idea, drop Walski an e-mail, or comment, won't ya?

And now on to what Walski really wants to tell y'all about in this post - spam.

Image hosting by PhotobucketSpam for a good cause...

To be exact, spam for a good cause. Zorro alerted Walski to this excellent initiative - spam 4 e-mail addresses with e-mails calling for the release of Raja Petra Kamaruddin and all the ISA detainees. And which 4 recipients?

Namely, the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar (aka Malaysia's Most Hated), the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and last but not least, RPK, care of the Prisons Department.

Walski's done his part and sent an e-mail to all four. If you feel strongly about how evil the ISA is, you should, too. 
(the spam count so far, and more, in the full post)

You can send either to any one of the 4 recipients individually, or a "send-all" single-button click. As of the time of this posting, the total count stands at 59,110 e-mails sent out. Individually, the tally is as follows:

  1. Syed Hamid Albar - 17,995
  2. Najib Tun Razak - 14,714
  3. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi - 13,799
  4. RPK (via the Prisons Dept) - 12,602

As Zorro has advised in his posting, if you do send the e-mail, send it to all four. You will need to put in your name, by the way. But nothing else.

The purpose? To show these fellers just how pissed off Malaysians really are with this piece of shit legislation, which effectively makes a mockery of Malaysia being a member of the UN Human Rights Council. Let's show 'em that We Will Not Forget...

Image hosting by Photobucket

Click here for the full post......

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Jangan biarkan propaganda Utusan berterusan

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Nota pra-posting ulungkali Walski: Rencana ini adalah posting myAsylum pertama dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Terjemahan bahasa Inggeris rencana ini, apabila siap nanti, boleh dibaca is laman blog Walski yang satu lagi, iaitu myAsylum reLoaded. (posting ini akan dikemaskinikan apabila terjemahan tersebut siap nanti).

Ada sebuah akhbar Bahasa Malaysia yang gemar menggempar-gempurkan isu-isu tertentu. Malangnya, untuk sebahagian dari warga Melayu di Malaysia, mungkin juga akhbar ini satu-satunya sumber berita, terutama sekali jika mereka tiada mempunyai talian Internet peribadi.

Image hosting by PhotobucketAneh juga mengapa sesetengah isu di-"ultra"-sensasikan, kadangkalanya tanpa memberikan isu tersebut gambaran objektif dan menyeluruh. Di antara contoh terkini termasuk liputan mengenai Teresa Kok, dan "agenda" Utusan yang terkini - Hindraf.

Utusanlah akhbar yang cuba menggunakan khabar angin, dan mengagung-agungkan idolanya, bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Khir Toyo, untuk menaruh fitnah ke atas Teresa Kok, (melalui rencana "Azan, jawi, JAIS, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya"), yang menyebabkan Ahli Parlimen tersebut dipenjarakan selama seminggu di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Dan adakah pernah Utusan meminta maaf apabila diketahui umum hal yang sebenarnya, iaitu Teresa tidak pernah sekali pun mendesak pihak mana-mana masjid seperti yang dituduh oleh rencana Utusan tersebut?

Bukan sahaja Utusan enggan meminta maaf, tetapi setelah Teresa dibebaskan, ada pula isu lain yang sengaja diungkit, kononnya Teresa menghadiri satu upacara buka puasa dengan berpakaian kurang sesuai.

Utusan kini ibarat batu api yang sengaja mahu menimbulkan rasa kurang senang dikalangan pembacanya. Tetapi disebabkan kaitan akhbar tersebut dengan UMNO/BN tidak satu pun tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak kerajaan. Maklumlah... macam meludah ke langit, kan?

Pada kacamata Walski, Utusan sudah hilang kredibilitinya sebagai agensi akhbar - yang nyata, Utusan tidak lain tidak bukan cuma alat propaganda UMNO/BN, dan pihak-pihak yang sewaktu dengannya.
(ada apa dengan Hindraf, dan banyak lagi, di posting sepenuhnya)

Kini, Hindraf pula yang menjadi sasaran Utusan.

Semenjak Hari Raya pertama (October 1), tidak kurang dari 15 rencana atau lapuran berita telah diterbitkan oleh Utusan mengenai insiden ahli Hindraf menyerahkan satu memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri semasa Rumah Terbuka BN di PWTC.

Kenapalah taksub sangat Utusan dengan Hindraf? Sampai hari ni pun tak habis-habis lagi Utusan menyiarkan rencana berkenaan Hindraf... 

Ketika berjabat tangan dengan Perdana Menteri, hampir kesemua mengungkapkan kata-kata ‘hapuskan ISA dan bebaskan pemimpin Hindraf’ - bukannya ucapan Selamat Hari Raya.

Ternyata kehadiran mereka bukan berniat untuk berhari raya, sebaliknya provokasi bagi meningkatkan tekanan terhadap kerajaan biarpun pada majlis sambutan perayaan agama bagi umat Islam.

Ia bercanggah dengan kenyataan Hindraf bahawa mereka hadir untuk ‘bermaafan’.

Awang bersetuju dengan pandangan banyak pihak bahawa Hindraf sudah keterlaluan, biadap dan telah mencemarkan kesucian sambutan Aidilfitri.

Tindakan seumpama itu hanya memburukkan lagi imej Hindraf, yang pernah mengadakan demonstrasi ganas, menghasut dan melemparkan pelbagai fitnah terhadap kerajaan termasuk di luar negara.

Ada pihak melihatnya sebagai sabotaj kepada imej dan ekonomi Malaysia.

(sumber: Bisik-bisik Awang Selamat)

Awang Selamat mungkin tidak sedar yang akhbarnya sendiri pun lumrah dengan fitnah... tapi kalau Utusan yang menaburkannya, dipanggil "fakta" mungkin? Seperti yang Walski kadangkala sebut (dalam bahasa Inggeris): "go fakta yourself"... (tak perlu diterjemahkan, okay?)

Yang anehnya, Utusan bertungkus-lumus menyiarkan berita, komentar dan rencana mengenai Hindraf menghadiri jamuan rumah terbuka tersebut, tetapi tak sekali pun menyebut hakikat bahawa bukan Hindraf sahaja yang menyerahkan memorandum anti-ISA kepada Pak Lah (dari blog The People's Parliament)

Sebenarnya sentimen anti-ISA rata-rata dilahirkan oleh ramai rakyat Malaysia. Namun begitu, Utusan masih enggan menerima hakikat ini. Tak hairan juga, sebenarnya, kalau diambil kira yang fungsi utama Utusan sebagai saluran propaganda UMNO/BN, yang menggunakan ISA sebagai senjata mempertahankan keutuhan politiknya. 

Beberapa hari yang lepas, Malaysiakini melapurkan bahawa Hindraf bercadang hendak menyaman Utusan sebanyak RM 1 juta "berhubung laporan dan komentar mengenai badan tersebut yang disiarkan akhbar itu". Baik saman lebih banyak lagi... biar lingkup joran propaganda yang amat dibenci ini.

Sementara menunggu samada cadangan saman ini berterusan atau tidak, seboleh-bolehnya elakkan saja dari membeli Utusan, jika anda prihatin terhadap kebenaran dan objektiviti. Kalau gatal sangat nak baca, bacalah versi online. Duit seringgit lebih tu, kalau dikumpul selama setahun, banyak juga dapat disimpan, kan? Lagi pun, kurang sikit penggunaan kertas - lebih mesra-alamlah nak dikatakan... Lagi berbaloi.

Lemah lembut si gadis ayu
Berseri kebaya penuh tradisi
Penyebar racun minda Melayu
Utusan raja propaganda yang basi

Ah... jawablah, jawablah!

Nota kaki petikan tajuk posting Walski: Tajuk posting ini diubahsuai dari tajuk rencana akhbar Utusan pada 4hb Oktober - "Jangan biarkan kebiadapan Hindraf berterusan". Jika ada masa untuk diluang, 16 rencana dan liputan berita berkenaan Hindraf dan insiden rumah terbuka Hari Raya telah Walski kumpulkan dari Utusan Online, dan boleh dimuat-turunkan di sini. 

Click here for the full post......

Friday, October 03, 2008

Darwinian Tragedy

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Walski's seemingly-insensitive defense forenote: Death is never a laughing matter. But sometimes, incidents like this one just makes Walski go "WTF?!?". Which is about when Darwin comes to the rescue...

About a couple of weeks ago, the Guardian UK reported that the Church of England had recently launched a series of articles, as a way of recognizing its faults and making a very belated apology to Charles Darwin, eminent English naturalist. Darwin is, of course, the author of "On the Origin of Species" - a controversial body of work that paved the way to creating a tussle between Darwinian and Creationist points of view regarding human evolution.

But an important Darwinian concept that perseveres, and is generally accepted even to this day, is the Theory of Natural Selection. In a nutshell, the theory states that a species will adpat and evolve according to the surrounding environmental conditions for survival, and only the fittest will usually survive. Something or other along those lines...

And this morning, Walski caugt a glimpse at how Natural Selection sometimes works on humans, in addition to other living organisms on planet Earth (via The Star).

It's in cases like these where Darwin's assertion that man evolved from apes almost makes sense...
(survival of the LEAST idiotic, and more, in the full post)

Normally, Walski would not expect helmets and broomsticks to both appear in the same sentence. Okay, maybe in a Public Service message for witch safety consciousness. But surely not in the Malaysian mainstream media. Then again, this would not be the first time Walski's proven wrong.

It is, however, interesting that The Star article reports that "both families are believed to have recently joined a cult". When all else fails, blame it on some cult. As if there weren't other more plausible explanations. Like the fact both families were probably total morons for agreeing to something so ludicrous, for instance.

The NST version of the same story (via PDF) provides some added details. Like the fact the deceased male was trying to kick a chain-smoking habit, and that his also-dead spouse was suffering from a liver ailment. Well, the good news is that both are now cured. The bad news? Death cures all...

It is also reported that the family member who suggested the ritual, a 23 year-old, has a case of mental illness. How the rest of the family could've missed that fact remains a mystery.

Or maybe not so big a mystery, if you take Natural Selection into account. Or in this case, survival of the least idiotic. Darwin, once again, is proven correct. With the help of helmets and broomsticks. 

Idiocy, when taken seriously, can literally lead you to extinction.

Click here for the full post......

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Lessons from the Ecosphere

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Walski's reader perseverence forenote: The real point to this post will probably not be obvious to the reader, unless s/he reads it to the very end. It may be a bit difficult for some, but a bit of reading-patience and preseverence are required.

Walski had an interesting conversation with one of his cousins last night. This cousin of his works within the outdoor-activity industry, and once upon a time (not too long ago), worked and lived in Langkawi for a few years. Walski's cousin (a she, by the way) enjoys her outdoorsy work tremendously, and has lots of interesting stories to tell from time to time. 

This time around, the conversation with his cousin surrounded sharks and eagles.

Image taken from, hosting by PhotobucketOne of the tourism activities done up in Langkawi is eagle feeding. Langkawi, if you didn't already know, gets its name, in part, from the Brahminy Kite or Red-backed Sea-eagle. Walski's not sure what the eagle feeding activity entails, but he presumes that it involves taking a group of gullible tourists to a certain spot known as a hangout for the eagles, where food is thrown at the birds. Sounds like fun, huh? Well... Walski's cousin is dead set against the activity. She thinks it's both dangerous and damaging to the ecosystem. And for good reason.

One of the work-related activities Walski's cousin did up in Langkawi was kayaking. An observation she made is that in the areas where eagle-feeding is done, some kayakers have reported being harassed by eagles, to the extent that some have gotten gashes and scratches from the swooping eagles.

And why did the eagles swoop down on the kayakers? And why is Walski's cousin so against the practice of eagle-feeding?
(lessons NOT learned, and more, in the full post)

As Walski usually does on an annoyingly frequent basis, it is at this point that he digresses, somewhat. And so, we now turn our attention to sharks.

Image taken from, hosting by PhotobucketWalski's cousin recently did a two-month work exchange program stint in Hong Kong. During our conversation last night, the attention too turned to sharks, and on how shark feeding is an activity that's disallowed in Hong Kong. It's an activity which still raises controversy and is disallowed in many countries.

Shark feeding, unlike eagle feeding serves a different purpose - it's done to attract the sharks, rather than simply feeding them recreationally. But the principle remains the same - provide these natural predators with free food, and along they will come.

The problem arises when this feeding activity is carried out over a long period of time, and the predators adapt to it. Over a few generations, getting free food then somehow gets imprinted into their instinct genetic catalogue. And it doesn't only happen with predators, but with any species of animal.

Which is why if you see a sign that says "Don't Feed The Animals", it should be heeded. Providing animals with food they wouldn't ordinarily find simply messes with the animal's ecosystem in the long run.

Predators that are subjected to being provided free food are still basically predators - that part of their genetic imprint doesn't go away. And when the free food doesn't appear as expected, the predators start getting aggressive, and will attack humans. That's the reason for the eagle attacks on the kayakers, as well as (it is suspected) unprovoked shark attacks in shallow waters - the humans get mistaken for the free food that's provided for touristic purposes.

With all that out of the way, Walski will finally get to the point of this post - the NEP. The New Economic Policy, introduced after the May 13 race riots in Malaysia, as a temporary measure to equalize the level of wealth across the Malaysian racial landscape. It gave preference to the Malays in areas of scholarships, government contracts and several other areas, in hopes of giving the Malays a leg-up on life and for their economic survival.

Needless to say, what was intended as a temporary measure 39 years ago has since been transformed into a "birthright", no thanks in a big part from the NEP being politicized by UMNO, using it as a leverage to retain the support of the Malays. Walski won't get into how the NEP has been abused, and how it no longer serves its intended purpose.

You're probably wondering what the Langkawin Brahminy Kites, sharks and the NEP have in common, right?

The NEP is, to a great extent, like the free food that's given to predators like the eagles and sharks, and over a generation or two, gets imprinted into the psyche of the Malays. What was done to provide Malays as a temporary head-start now suddenly becomes a birthright of the Malays. An institutionalized crutch that many Malays now see as a right, regardless of whether or not they need said crutch.

What this crutch does, in turn, is to prevent the Malays from walking unaided, regardless of whether they need that crutch or not in the first place. And in the long run, this becomes damaging. Any attempt to take that crutch away will cause great anxiety.

Just imagine what a boring story Forest Gump would've been if little Forest had not broken free of the leg braces early in the story, allowing him to run unimpeded for the first time. While the leg braces did help strengthen the little boy early in life, Forest Gump would never have been able to realize his full potential if he had lived all his life relying on those braces.

It would be severely unfair and belittling to say that the Malays are inherrently inferior. And yet, insisting that the NEP be kept in its current form only points to this one non-fact. That insistance, unfortunately, is what UMNO continues to use as a bogeyman, in their attempt to retain support of the Malays. Cease supporting us, and they will take your crutch away... albeit in not so many words.

Like the predatory animals, human nature adapts to its environment. It's just the way things work, like it or not. The ecological lessons we can learn from sharks and eagles can sometimes equally apply to human beings as well. Remove the need to hunt for food, and the predators will eventually change their feeding habits. Similarly, remove the need to compete on equal footing, and what you eventually get is an entire generation growing up thinking certain things in life aren't necessary if you belong to a certain group. Simple things, like hard work, resiliance, and determination.

It sometimes boils down to the simple question of whether or not we wish to heed these lessons from the Ecosphere, or continue living in the la-la land of the status quo.  

Click here for the full post......

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Poll Position: And the Most Hated Malaysian is...

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Yes, boys and girls, it's official.

Image hosting by PhotobucketAnd seriously, what's there to NOT hate?

This is probably a bonus for the man, after retaining his UMNO Kota Tinggi division head post, uncontested, after his challenger A. Malek Daing A. Rahaman was suspended from the party for "offenses under the code of conduct" (via The Sun). What timing!
(poll result analysis, and more, in the full post)

Apparently, Malek had secured 23 nominations versus Syed Hamid's 21. Walski's not suggesting that there were any hidden hands leading to the suspension, but boy... what impeccable timing, huh? And now, being voted Malaysia's Most Hated... except maybe in Kota Tinggi. But then, they didn't have much of a choice after the suspension, now, did they?

In any case, here's how the polling worked: each of the participants in the poll could select up to 5 choices of Malaysia's Most Hated. A total of 274 voted - Walski had hoped the number could have been bigger, but nonetheless, we'll stick to the results.

Just like in a "guided" democracy - the results are exactly what Walski wanted to happen anyway. And no, there was absolutely no cheating or result manipulation involved. Although, it must be said that there was at least one participant who wanted to use all 5 choices on Syed Hamid. Hmm... tempting, tempting...

In any case, what's also interesting is whom else was chosen, accompanying Syed Hamid to make up the top 4 choices: the PM, PM-wannabe, and future PM-wannabe... and all big supremos in UMNO. Which goes to show just how much UMNO is loved these days... Not!

So, congratulations Syed Hamid Albar... you are now, officially, Malaysia's Most Hated.... It's no wonder you don't have a Hari Raya open house this time around...

Click here for the full post......