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Monday, December 24, 2007

A hearty Ho Ho Ho...

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Because, as HENN had reported, Santa Claus might be boycotting this year's Christmas in Malaysia, Walski had to think of an alternative... fast.

Image hosting by PhotobucketIn Santa's absence, Uncle Ho steps up to wish y'all a very Merry Christmas...

If you missed the joke, go study some history... or look this up.

So to all Malaysians and Earthlings of other nations as well, regardless of whether you celebrate the occasion spiritually or socially, a very Merry Christmas from Walski, and the media goblins here at myAsylum.

For those unfortunate folks that have suffered from the recent (and in someplaces ongoing) floods, Walski hopes that you keep your spirits up, and for those who are able to, lend some assistance for the benefit of these poor washed out people. Marina M has posted some useful information in the event you people want to help out. Walski is certain that goodwill, no matter by whom, will be rewarded in kind.

And really, that's what the spirit of Christmas is all about anyway - sharing and caring, and goodwill amongst humans, be it family, friends, or even strangers in need. And if sharing and caring is to be met with the wrath of God, as some so-called "Muslim" individuals might prefer to think, then so be it...

In any case, that's what Christmas means to Walski, goodwill and love all around. And he hopes that everyone out there has a merry, but safe time!
(the rest, in the full post)

Since it's sort of Ho-ho-holiday time for Walski until the end of the year, the posts will be kinda slow for the next few days, unless some serious shit comes up, or Walski has some time to spare. Otherwise, the next post on myAsylum will most likely be Walski's 2007 retrospective, and some hopes for 2008. But hey... who knows... myAsylum is kinda unpredictable in that way. Which is half the fun.

In the meantime, Walski's mission for the rest of the year is to spend as much quality time as possible with friends and loved ones. Sad that some of his friends are way too far away for him to physically be with, but they're always in his thoughts...

Peace, Love, and Rock & Roll, people... and have a safe, Merry Christmas!