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Monday, November 05, 2007

Where's Walski?

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Walski has to go away for a bit. But where is he going?

Image hosting by PhotobucketStill in Malaysia at this point, but headed someplace...

Here's a hint: you need a visa and an air ticket to get there...

Image hosting by PhotobucketAll set to leave...

Walski will keep you guessing for a few more hours - the work part of the day is over, and now it's time to go "jalan-jalan" (sightseeing) and explore this never before visited place... Oh, there's a time difference, so it'll probably be late tonight or early tomorrow morning, Malaysia time, before Walski gets to give you the details. It's a place that's a contrast of modern and decrepit, of luxury, glamor and also poverty...

So, where's Walski?