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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Turning 42 + 1

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Image hosting by PhotobucketYes, it's April 15 again. And today, Walski declares today a blog public holiday. Epecially after last night.

The Mrs. sneakily threw him a surprise birthday party. And what a surprise it was! More on the birthday-cum-gig later. One of the lessons Walski did learn from last night was that he's been neglecting Walski of Sound - the virtual band - a bit too much.

Thanks to all who showed up and joined Walski to usher in another 365... including some very, very unexpected guests! Details to come in a later post. For today... well, it's a blog holiday after all, and that means no blogging for the rest of the day. As for the Mamak Conspiracy contest results... well, you'll just have to wait for a little while longer...