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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Brainwash Boogie

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Recently, thanks to Facebook, Walski got back in touch with many people from his college years. Those were really the formative years of Walski's life, all things considered - the good, the bad... but for some reason he couldn't think of any experience that he'd categorize as ugly, per se. True, there were some ugly people in the mix, but they were usually quite nice to Walski.

In any case, one of those people is a gentleman named Scott Burright, who was Walski's housemate for about a year. While Walski is still kind of fuzzy as to what Scott does as a day job nowadays, he does make some really nice music, and some really cool videos to complement the tune-age.

Like this one...

(more Burright genius, in the full post)

The video is posted here with Scott's permission - to post it wherever someone might look at it - in his own words. And then Walski found another video that Scott did, which is as good, if not better, than Brainwash Boogie.

The stuff Walski's friend does for fun is something that some people struggle to do for a living. Hope to see more stuff in the near future - and you can count on Walski to post them up here.

Thanks Scott, for making Walski's day with the superb videos!