Heigh Ho… Let's Go!
Technorati tags: Christmas, Peace, Harmony, Celebration
And a very very Merry Christmas!
Although there have been those who would rather we focused on the differences between us, Walski chooses to embrace instead the overwhelming commonalities that bind us.
To quote the famous sage Jalal ad-Dīn Muhammad Rumi:
The lamps are different, but the Light is the same: it comes from Beyond. If thou keep looking at the lamp, thou art lost: for thence arises the appearance of number and plurality. Fix thy gaze upon the Light, and thou art delivered from the dualism inherent in the finite body…The Faithful are many, but their Faith is one; their bodies are numerous, but their soul is one.
(together, as one, and more, in the full post)
Christmas has become, to many people around the world, a celebration transcending its original religious significance, and a time ubiquitously associated with family and joy. The commercialism aspects of Christmas aside, it is a time for giving. Not necessarily gifts of material value, but the sharing of care and love, that can in themselves be considered gifts.
Yet, there are those who choose to focus on the differences of theology and faith that exist among us.
Well Walski, for one, chooses not to. We have more than enough commonality that can bring us together, and he thinks that it's more positive to focus on these. Let's embrace the positive values of friendship, camaraderie, sharing and caring this Christmas.
And as the four wise members of the myAsylum Mystical Marketing Council have alluded to above, you can't have joy without a little Oi!!
So to one and all, a very Merry Christmas… Peace, Love and Rock 'n Roll...